Six Big New Exchange Listing Soon

in #bitcia5 years ago (edited)

Great news for all of the Bitica lovers. Bitica is going to list on 6 new exchanges very very soon. All exchanges are coin market cap verified. Currently Bitica is listed at five exchange, on tree trading is not started and trading is ongoing in two exchanges IndoEx and Vindax. In this article we are going to tell about the exchanges while reviewing it (The previous exchanges are not included are not included in review because it is well reviewed in our previous articles). So let get started...



Latoken is one of the exchanges where Bitica is going to list. LATOKEN is also an Estonian cryptocurrency exchange. On the day of writing, Latoken has a huge volume amounting up to $45,176,480. It has 167 coins and 340 pairs. The trading fees charged by this exchange is 0.10%. These fees are below the global industry average (arguably 0.25%). This is very low fees according to others. It is one reason upon choosing Latoken a exchange for Bitica. LATOKEN's withdrawal fee is 0.0005 BTC per BTC-withdrawal. This fee is a bit below the industry average.When it comes to security at this exchange, LATOKEN boasts on its website about its various security features:

  • All private keys are encrypted with AES-256 and are stored offline;
  • 5% of the user-funds are kept in cold storage with multi-signature technology;
  • They have a DDoS-protection system built on a advanced distributed system architecture; and
  • All passwords in LATOKEN’s database are encrypted with what the exchange refers to as “Salted SHA-256”.

    Latoken Trading View




P2PB2B is selected as a exchange where Bitica is listing. P2PB2B is an Estonian crypto exchange that launched in January 2018. Bitica is also registered in Estonia. P2PB2B transaction engine has a processing speed of up to 10,000 trades per second. This platform has a support function that is open 24/7. P2PB2B does not explicitly state that US-investors are prohibited from trading. So, we US-investors should be able to trade here. On the day of writing, P2PB2B had a 24 hour trading volume amounting to $199,039,558. P2PB2B is a new trading platform that provides businesses and individual traders with Low commissions, Multi-Support, Strong Security, and Open API. This exchange has set their trading fees at 0.20% flat. P2PB2B offers wire transfer as a deposit method and you can also deposit via credit card. This is of course very helpful to any newer crypto investor. P2PB2P provides high security.

P2PB2B Trading View




Bitica is also going to list on Probit. ProBit is an exchange from the Seychelles that launched in November 2018. On the day of writing, Probit had a 24 hour trading volume amounting to $67,335,427. It has 325 coins and 634 pairs. ProBit also has something they call “trade mining service”, where you can mine any of the following trading pairs: BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT, BTC/KRW, ETH/KRW or ETH/BTC. Through this service, users will receive transaction fee rebates in the exchange’s native token PROB. The rebate will range from 50-110%. ProBit highlights three things as the reasons for picking ProBit’s trading platform as the platform to trade at: it’s professional, it’s global, and it’s secure. They offer a flat trading fee of 0.20%. ProBit also offers trading fee discounts when you have a larger trading volume. Probit provides a ultra high security.

Probit Trading View




Hotbit is the exchange where you will see Bitica trading. Hotbit is an exchange launched in January 2018 that offers trading in many very unusual cryptos. The exchange promotes four things in particular as reasons to choose Hotbit as your trading platform. First off, it has multi-currency support, meaning that you can trade a lot of different cryptocurrencies here. It is easy to verify this statement and declare that it is true. Hotbit does indeed provide support for a large number of cryptocurrencies. Second, Hotbit has high liquidity. Third, the platform provides 24 hour customer service 7 days a week. Naturally, this is very important to its user base. Fourth and finally, the platform promotes that it is “secure and steady”. All of the promoted advantages are things that we deem very important and we applaud Hotbit for having them all. It probably a good exchange.

Hotbit Trading View




Alterdice is a crypto exchange from Singapore. It launched in October 2018.Alterdice is also available as an application in your phone or reading tablet. This can be helpful for any investors interested in trading when “on the go”. Research shows that a vast majority of all cryptocurrency trades are executed through desktops. But, if you’re a mobile-kind-of-person, the Alterdice app might make you happy!. Alterdice charges takers 0.20% and makers 0.10%. These fees are in line with, or even slightly lower than the global industry average. Alterdice has a quite uncommon structure in the way that they, for some cryptos, charge both a fixed withdrawal fee and a percentage based withdrawal fee. For Bitcoin, however, the fixed fee is 0.0004 BTC with no added percentage of the withdrawn amount.

ALTERDICE Trading View




Exrates Trading View

Bitica is also going to list on Exrates soon. Exrates is a cryptocurrency exchange registered in Switzerland. It also has a representational office in China.As main advantages with the Exrates-platform, the exchange lists five things. They have a high performance trading engine, capable of processing a lot of transactions very fast (10,000 transactions per second). They have 24/7 support. The trading interface (see below) use “Single Page Application” in order to run smoothly. More than 95% of the assets are held in cold storage. Finally, you can trade more than 600 trading pairs here. This is substantially more than how many trading pairs you will find at other trading platforms. This exchange has also launched a so called “Prediction Service”, designed to faciliate trading. The Prediction Services function is aimed at predicting upcoming pumps and dumps. To check it out, you can go to this link: And look at the design of it!! Really cool. Exrates' trading fee for takers is 0.20%. Makers enjoy a slight discount on the trading fee and pay 0.15% in trading fees. These fees are below, or in line with, the industry average. Exrates' withdrawal fee is 0.001 BTC per BTC-withdrawal. This fee is a bit below the industry average. At this exchange, you can deposit through both wire transfer and credit cards. That is, as long as you have an account at Perfect Money, Advcash Money, LiqPay, NixMoney, Privat24, Interkassa, Payeer or QIWI. The fiat currencies possible to deposit through those services are USD,EUR, UAH and RUB.

The above are all the exchanges where Bitica is going to list. Now it is to you what exchange you trade or what fits you best. Happy Trading and Keep Following Bitica