Some call her the lady with the hips that don’t lie
I tried to put words together but here I am speechless
I don’t know where to begin to tell the world that you’re all shades of amazing.
A voice so powerful and piercing to the soul that even the celestial bodies are in awe at the sound of your voice
A pure gold heart you possess.
This beauty couldn’t come all by herself without brains to accompany her
For together, they produce that sweeping shape only you possess.
That smile of yours washes away all the pain engraved deep within
And reminds you and everyone who beholds it of the strength inside us all
Therefore never allow the storms of life sweep you off.
Age has a way of making one feel freaking old
I’m guessing she can’t get to you since you are armed with that amazing smile of yours
Even when grey days come, your heart’s forever sweet sixteen.
I tried keeping my distance, but your love has a way of finding its way to our hearts. I’m glad you found me and welcomed me in to that big heart of yours, this I will be forever grateful.
Happy Birthday Pearl Jam(
I Will Always Love You
…..With love from
Over and out….
Happy Birthday ma'am
You're amazing ma... Happy birthday.... I love you....
Happy birthday sis Pearl Jam