A Retrospect on T.I.M.E. bEARTHdayz and The Meaning of Solar Returnz

in #birthday7 years ago


I’ve always existed. I was here before. And will be here tomorrow for I'm a Spiritual Being having a Hueman experience that chose to come back for a purpose.

As I reflect on my 48th Solar Return, I do so using the manmade invention of time — or should I say acronymically ‘The Inner Minds Eye’. Time numerically is fictitious. We can attest weeks feel like dayz the “longer” we’ve been here. But ‘The Inner Minds Eye’ is eternal so it’s not really that quick but rather lengthy.
Solar Return is another way of saying birthday or better put, bEARTHday. Interestingly enough it coincides with the spelling of ‘birthday’ defined as a persons origin that just so happenz to begin on this planet… Earth)

In this realm of space, in this body, I reflect on this life’s journey; where I came from; when my spirit subconsciously chose to merge with the physical insides of a newly emerged fertilized egg in my mother’s womb, on up to today. I reflect on the new and old relationz I’ve had, some literally that existed long ago only to link again in this realm. And I reflect on those spirits who transitioned.

I have lived... but the bar has been raised.

Today, December 13th, marks the birth of my physical journey — my bEARTHday if you will — where I became the physical form of whom you are reading, the wordz of M’Bwebe Aja Ishangi. And as I begin the latest cyclical lap around the Sun, I “gas up” by reflecting on the past year:

March 13, 2017 I was fired from a thankless corporate job after 12 yearz never receiving a raise, promotion, or simple thank you because my social media page was not in alignment with their recent policy of wanting to own you even after you clock out.

Having seeing this as a good thing really ushered by the Ances-Starz, I knew the day I was abruptly let go I was truly free, kicked off the corporate version of a plantation with a new sense of purpose: I am living ‘my life’ for the first time. And

That “step out on faith” thing has since had a chance to prove itself leading to a **career change learning and sharing the many lessonz and opportunities of financial literacy in the field of Blockchain technology and how it can be used to free you up allowing the freedom to live which in turn allowz ‘time’ to address/explore the reason of why we are here.

See, Solar Returnz are a way to gage where you see yourself — not through the clock, but through the lens of your spirit. We all have the base question of “why am I here and what’s my purpose” — something we should be able to answer within the first decade of our lives in a perfect world. But due to all the materialistic blockades we face today (the grooming of joining and existing in the rat race world of materializm for example), many don’t have “time” to address this until our senior yearz when we’re near the end of our physical journey.

I charge you as I myself, don’t watch the clock but rather tune in to your inner mind’s eye and focus on defining/manifesting what your purpose is. What are you here to really experience, and most important, what do you intend to leave?

So with this day I will continue working to be the best version of me. As I type this I give humble thANKHs to where I am mentally, physically, and spiritually. To the Ances-Starz, my family — most notably my mother who nurtured me for roughly 274 dayz in her womb allowing me re-entry to this world with a chance to assist the continued elevation of Afrikan people — I will not disappoint, Aseoooooooo!

And to you, the reader, I give thANKHs for taking “time” to read this and in advance your bEARTHday well wishes. I look to continuing building with you!

Oh, and by the way, for those in the gift-giving mood, I accept Cryptocurrency as gifts. **Inbox me for detailz or if you wanna get #Cryptowoke about Cryptocurrency. 😉

I leave you with this invitation to watch my Video Article: ’T.I.M.E.: The Inner Mind’s Eye’ at http://daghettotymz.com/dgtv/content/videos/TIME.mp4

Each one teach MANY!

#birthday #bEARTHday #time #theinnermindseye #EternalandInternalReflections #DaGhettoTymz #CryptoWoke