Famous People's Birthday
Meg Tilly
American actress and dancer
Meg Tilly birthday today. She was born on 14 February 1960 and has now become old 60 years.
Anita Vulesica
German actor
Anita Vulesica birthday today. She was born on 14 February 1974 and has now grown old for 46 years.
Mark Rutte
Dutch politician and Prime Minister of the Netherlands (since 2010)
Today Mark Rutte's birthday. He was born on 14 February 1967, and has now become 53 years old.
Tiffany Thornton
US-american actress
Tiffany Thornton's birthday today. She was born on February 14, 1986, and has now become 34 years old.
Paul Butcher
US-American actor
Today Paul Butcher's birthday. He was born on 14 February 1994 and has now become 26 years old.
Renée Fleming
American opera singer and Grammy winner
Renée Fleming's birthday today. She was born on February 14, 1959, and has now become 61 years old.