Kỉ niệm 128 năm ngày sinh nhật bác Hồ 19/5/1980 - 19/5/2018

in #birthday6 years ago

Uncle Ho is not a great leader, a great communist of the Vietnamese Nation. Uncle was influential throughout the world when she led the people of Vietnam to pass one war to another and to win the glory.

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Uncle Ho, the great leader of the nation.

Today is the 128th anniversary of Uncle Ho's birthday, our country is celebrating, many activities are organized .... TV, radio, television, news channels are talking about Uncle, talk about the history of the birth of the country of Vietnam.

And today, I also want friends around the world to know about Uncle, the work of an outstanding leader of the Vietnamese nation. So I tried the article in English.

In the history of May, every Vietnamese people remember the beloved Uncle Ho's birthday. In his heart, there was an unforgettable feeling in his heart as he turned to Hanoi Capital, heading towards the Mausoleum. Ho Chi Minh - the heart of the country with the heart of respect, gratitude and respect. It has been more than 49 years since Uncle Ho's departure, but his career and thought, great virtue, shining brightly still live in the revolutionary cause of the nation, lasting forever, forever radiate. We are in the process of development of our people and progressive humanity.

Uncle Ho's real name is Nguyen Sinh Cung, self is Tat Thanh. Homeland is Kim Lien village (Sen village). He was born in the village of Hoang Tru (Chua village, about 2 km from Sen village) in Nam Dan district of Nghe An province. Since his father was a patriotic patriot, he learned good qualities from his father. Born in a difficult country, he decided to go to the rescue of the country in 1911 at Nha Rong harbor. And on June 5, 1911, on the ship Amiral La Touche De Tréville from Saigon port, introducing himself as Van Ba ​​as kitchen assistant, Nguyen Tat Thanh left the country, began the journey 30 years to find the road national liberation, liberation of the country.

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This is the boat that you have set foot to find the way to save the country.

He was the founder of the Communist Party of Vietnam and many other revolutionary organizations, along with the Party, led the way leading the people in the region to break the slave, feudal, feudal, and living slaves. free. Uncle is the greatest contribution in the cause of our nation.

Within 10 years, from 1911 to 1920, Uncle took advantage of every opportunity to be in many parts of the world. His feet have been stamped on many countries in continental Europe, Asia, Africa, America. In particular, he stopped for a long time in the three largest empires of the United States, Britain and France.

With his trips, he took every opportunity to learn and study revolutionary doctrines and to integrate himself into the struggles of working class and working people in capitalist and colonial countries. I have supplemented my knowledge is extremely rich with a very broad and comprehensive vision. Since then he has drawn the conclusion that imperialism and colonialism are the source of all suffering for the working class and people in the mainland and colonial countries.

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Two great leaders, founder of Mac-Lenin

It is fortunate that she met Mac, it illuminated the revolutionary path of the Vietnamese people. And I followed Marxism, leading our people to socialist construction

Some nice pictures about Uncle Ho:

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It is not only the great president who led the people through two arduous wars, in the ordinary life, who returned to life modest, simple and close to the people.

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Uncle with compatriots, soldiers increase production of rice cultivation of maize.

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President Ho Chi Minh in everyday life

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Although very busy, but Uncle Ho always pay attention to exercise sports to maintain health.

It has been more than 49 years since Uncle Ho's departure, but in the heart of the Vietnamese generations he is still alive. Uncle Ho's exemplary ethics, shining light on the revolutionary path in every step of the country. Recalling Ho Chi Minh's journey to save the country 105 years ago, each of us carved in our heart the immense gratitude for the great sacrifices that Uncle Ho has been through for 30 years. a way to save water.


Dear @honghanh
I do not like this at all. I do not like him, to me he is a disaster. I am Nghe An and I know you are 19 years old. It's hard to tell you. So, this reply I just want to tell you. I am Nghe An, I am not proud and do not love Ho Chi Minh. So you should not use the word "every Vietnamese people remember the beloved Uncle Ho's birthday" that is an exaggerated, no basis. If you still want to write like that, please open the bracket to exclude me.

gio em kho con thay tren bao , tren thoi su dua anh bac nhieu nhue truoc day nua

thời buổi công nghệ, mọi người toàn xem mấy cái tin hot tin nóng, ko thì cũng phim. Còn đâu cái ngày xưa, 7h mở tivi xem thời sự huhu

thật đáng tự hào về điều này

Từ tôi ra nhé 2 bạn!

Tôi đồng ý với @haccolong. @honghanh à, khi bạn nói về Việt Nam thì bạn dùng từ người dân Việt Nam được còn nói về ông hồ mà bạn dùng từ "người dân Việt Nam" thì bạn coi thường độc giả rồi đấy vì bạn có dám chắc 100% người dân Việt Nam có quan điểm giống bạn không? Khi nói về ông hồ bạn nên dùng đại từ "tôi" để thể hiện quan điểm cá nhân của bạn, bạn yêu hay ghét ông hồ thì đó là quyền tự do của bạn, không ai cấm còn bạn nói người Việt Nam yêu ông hồ thì quá chủ quan đó.
Bạn đã đặt mình vào hoàn cảnh những gia đình mà gọi là "bắc 54" bị mất đất đai, nhà cửa và bị giết 1 cách man rợ bởi cuộc cải cách ruộng đất chưa, hay như gia đình tôi sau năm 75 bị mất nhà cửa chưa.
Bạn tin CNCS thì đó là quan điểm cá nhân của bạn nhưng đừng chụp mũ cho cả người Việt Nam. Có bao giờ bạn tự hỏi là nếu CNCS tốt đẹp như vậy tại sao người dân các nước văn minh lại không theo mà ngược lại họ vứt vào sọt rác, nếu CNCS tốt đẹp như vậy tại sao chỉ còn lèo tèo vài nước lạc hậu (không phải là hầu hết người dân) còn theo còn các nước văn minh thì đào thải nha. Bạn nên cập nhật lại kiến thức của mình cho chuẩn đi, cái gì cũng phải khách quan và đa chiều. Có câu "không nói ra thì người ta còn nghi ngờ mình ngu còn nói ra thì người ta không còn nghi ngờ nữa mà khẳng định luôn là mình ngu"

2 gét 3 yêu. Vậy là gần cân rồi đó bác @robertnguyen
Thế mà bảo "cả dân tộc mình" mới hay chứ! LOL
Cảm ơn vì bác đã tới nhé! :)

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