
how did you wangle that one?!

I moaned about my birthday for years.

My son-in-law suggested I celebrate it in the summer everytime I moaned about it but I didn't think it would work so "yes butted" it for years.

Then I decided to give it go and hit the jackpot the very first time . . . they organised a prosecco picnic in Kew Gardens followed by a Bruce Springsteem concert at Wembley. I had no idea. What a fantastic surprise. It was such a brilliant day!

And the last few years, although not matching the magnitude of that one, have all been wonderful surprises.

I am very, very fortunate. 😊

That's so cool, and genius! I'm going to change mine to the August bank holiday and see what happens! :D

Nah. Not August Bank Holiday. You want your own special day. 😁

But it’s a day people have off... fine, I’ll pick another 😁