Birth and Chakras

in #birth7 years ago (edited)


Birth can cause synchronicities that have driven practitioners to quit their jobs. Intense sympathetic intuitive cramps at labor time are one instance. Birth happens to be an intuitively supercharged time with fascinating potential phenomena. Birth significantly interacts on every chakra level. We will look at some principal points to consider.

Root Chakra: Grounding

The birth place and social vibes involved during birth are important. Other people’s attitudes project and can influence results. We see this phenomena during experiments and quantum physics. Pregnancy boosts intuition, if things seem unsafe outside the womb it can inhibit birth. Nesting is a common mother and father grounding energy that prepares the place to be safe post birth. Things need order and cleanliness for the baby’s immune system and mother’s post birth healing. Grounding presences root deeply and draw the necessary energy to beneficially blossom open. Grounded nonverbal communication, when a person is safe and secure, manifests through open body language. Grounded environment, people, and opening presences promotes safety and security. They should be incorporated during birth.

Flowers are good symbols for birth and grounding. Conceptual flowers are a single word placed in the middle of several unfolding words like flower petals around a center. The petals reveal the full picture, nuances, qualities, and parts. People can have partially activated conceptual flowers if they have not activated all the petals. Grounding makes a good flower center, surrounded by petals including safety, security, stability, support, and survival.

Sacral: Sexuality

Labor and sex correspond in many ways. In both processes the vagina opens and lubricates. The uterus waves rhythmically; moans, sighs, and groans occur. Right brain hemisphere activity increases, emotions intensify, suggestibility heightens. ESP rises and oxytocin releases.
Sexual touch is helpful during birth!

Solar Plexus: Willpower

Transition is the hardest stage of birth. The waves press with unbearable seeming intensity. These waves indicate it will be easier soon and the baby is close. The baby must move down the pelvis and the cervix must dilate. Loss of resolve, fear, and anxiety increase pain. Have birth affirmations whispered and reminders that you are doing it and it’s almost finished. When it feels absolutely impossible, commit to five more minutes of not giving up and you’ll probably have a baby.

Heart: Love

In the womb the baby is surrounded by sounds of a swooshing placenta, the mother’s heartbeat, and a pulsing umbilical cord. It shares Mom’s world of music, movements, temperatures, tastes, and emotions. Mom’s heartbeat is nostalgic. Immediately after birth babies and mothers both benefit from direct skin to skin contact. This reduces postpartum depression and eases the baby’s crying and pain. It releases oxytocin, transfers good bacteria, helps the heart rate, breathing, temperature, and blood sugar. Babies and Moms are so connected, breast milk can let down from even just the sound of the infant’s cry. Birth milk is full of oxytocin for the baby. Dopamine, oxytocin, and vasopressin help men bond through skin to skin after birth. In the first day, more neurological pathways for bonding with baby are able to be made. At least thirty minutes Dad should hold baby skin to skin.

Throat: Communication

Pre birth communication with the baby shows improved post birth concentration, alertness, responsiveness, and calmness. The throat chakra is creatively linked with the sacral chakra. At birth it is good to relax and open the jaw like soft communication to help the cervix likewise soften and open. Mentalism and vibration state that thoughts and emotions create. Inside the womb, the baby is constantly experiencing the Mother’s internal sensations. Communication with the unborn baby may be taking place through a language beyond words. When we think words our vocal cords micro-express, the womb being so energetically connected likely correlates sacral micro-expression. Entering into an intentional collected meditative state to communicate with the baby amplifies the effects. Tell them about anticipation and love, ask about their needs. Take note of pictures, words, and impressions that follow. The helpful subconscious feedback is either intuition or baby communication.

Brow: Vision

Color therapies, visualization, physiognomy intuition, nonverbal perception, remote viewing, chakra reading, and more are associated with our brow chakra. Visualization while in meditative state is a good place for starting to work with this chakra. Use a combination of colors, light, and desired outcomes. Always frame positively.

Visualization for Root Chakra Blossom

Visualize a mystical flower bud growing up from the earth and gently kissing your lady anatomy. This brings into focus an energetic flower bud at your root chakra. Visualize the two slowly blossoming together petal by petal creating softness, fragrance, moisture, beauty, soothing, relaxation and greater opening. Keep repeating with new mystical flower buds bringing root chakra energies to blossom. Create an energetic bouquet.

Crown: Spirituality, Existentialism, Energetics

Hypnotherapy work with individuals on birth memory recall is astounding. Under hypnosis individuals report memories of playing with the umbilical cord, conversations on outside of womb, clairvoyance as if seeing through the womb, and exiting the birth canal. Birth is full of intuitive phenomena that expands our connectedness.

We went through chakra levels and birth. They meaningfully interact. Usually healthy chakras spin clockwise taking in therapeutic energy, and counterclockwise releasing toxic. These birth phenomena have the potential to tremendously contribute therapy.


Birth Self Hypnosis and Energetics
Self Hypnosis Guide

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