##Umbilical Cords Symbolize Life Sources Cut Short##

in #birth6 years ago

It's rare that you can find teachers with pedagogy approaches that stray from traditional standards - that extends beyond a historical tradition of a society. The downside is a significant amount of information fed to the pupil are at-risk of being bias, outdated, tainted, prejudice, or simply, untrue. In order for alternatives to be considered one must either be anti-establishment, or institutions must become more robust in debating other alternative truths and facts. This is normally the case in a vibrant democratic society.

However, just because other alternatives are debated, investigated or considered, it doesn't mean that they will supplant the historical indoctrination of a society - even without doing so can become a detriment to the society large, as well as individuals who are indoctrinated to follow certain norms.

This is also true - as we are taught many things about life in school - and many things are either not relevant to one's orientation or they are inconsiderate. If one does not investigate the truth, either he/she are doom to be overcome by wrong choices. We have come to learn the definitions of the umbilical cord in its physicality features, but its function aso carries dynamatic symbolism regarding its beng a detached life force.

So why the umbilical cord analogy?

Don't cut that cord just yet: A research review finds keeping the umbilical cord of a newborn intact a little longer may lead to better health benefits for the baby. The umbilical cord delivers oxygen and food from a mother's bloodstream, via the placenta, into the baby's blood to provide nutrients.

Today, some mothers are opting for “lotus births,” where the umbilical cord is not cut immediately after birth. Instead, the baby remains attached until the placenta and cord dry up and fall off on their own, which will take days beyond the delivery date..

The umbilical cord https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umbilical_cord means a lot of things. For instance, a definition states that: The placenta is an organ that develops in your uterus during pregnancy. This structure provides oxygen and nutrients to your growing baby and removes waste products from your baby's blood. The placenta attaches to the wall of your uterus, and your baby's umbilical cord arises from it. [A common misconception is that a woman's belly button connects to the baby via the umbilical cord. This is incorrect – the baby's umbilical cord connects directly to the placenta, which is attached to the wall of the uterus].

Without extending on the vital and natural purpose of the umbilical cord, we should add that the placenta completes the the mechanism where the baby can receive what it needs. Of course the mother is no alien being that she and her body pay central role - first acting as host to the placenta, as well as supplying necessary blood and cells to optimize its function regarding is connection to the the fortifying the newborn via a umbilical cord.

However, once the delivery is made, both the umbilical cord and the placenta disappears from the scene, and the mother returns to her pre-pregnancy status.

Yet the final analysis should center on how should one be attached to a living source to get all of the complete qualities needed? This is a relative question concerning life, as I would like to posit that the umbilical cord - placenta relationship is a primordial life source created by God-himself.

Has man Detached himself from Life sources too soon?

As man has been given dominion over all aspects of earth it is arguable that he simply has gone about his way before his receiving and/or learning completely the ability for being a good steward over all that he's been given. In essence, man wonders through life tripping and tumbling which inadvertently affects everyone around him - he has defied many life sources by rushing off into his adventure on earth. hat the below examples:

Adam and Eve. They disobeyed God in the Garden regarding His commandment and direction. They were persuaded by God's arch-enemy to disobey a n to do your own thing without expecting any consequences in spite of God, they were free to do whatever they wanted on earth. Their rejection of learning all they needed from God (which we will call a life source and also juxtapose with the umbilical-placenta example), the whole world lived in a state of damnation for ages.

Man's Warring Ways. This is another example where man has taken (it seems) God Commandments which is antithetical to His teachings. Man prematurely closed the Book before reading "study war no more". Many lives and countries have been destroyed and people have suffered (and continue) because man detached himself from the teachings of God. Many leaders rooted in Judeo-Christian theology seem forgetful as the core this theology is not known or forgotten. Man, through his ignorance and premature detachment appears oblivious to the destruction it has wrought.

Children Not getting it. While all of us have naturally gone through the umbilical-placenta episode, yet many of us have rebelled against learning from our mothers. fathers and elders. We do not honor them or their teachings - probably because we don't care to, don't know any better, or didn't get it being valuable. As the world devolves into darkness, I fear for the future leadership of the world. A tradition has been cast where we see man failing to lead and to care for each other; and generation and after generation are not stopping to learn a new way so the world can be saved.

People are cutting off their life sources on many fronts - too soon. Let's iterate the meaning of he phrase. According to dictonary.com it is the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.

In other words, humans are above the animals and the trees in which that they are given stewardship over. Yet, we must be smarter then them if we are to claim our position. One thing that one never notice is that animals and trees are committed to survival. They received the voluntary laws of the universe without hassle or rebelling. In that mode, many plants and plants continue to survive -it's the umbilical-placenta that they still glean.

However, their greatest challenge for survival is not the laws of nature that they follow adamantly, but the human. Humans inability to be good stewards of what God has given us has place everything living in jeopardy. Whether than to build, protect and nurture we are destroying the life sources for ourselves and for everything else that depends on the natural law.

If our necessary life sources, that maps, energize and guide us, are not replenished, it is clear that the world is doomed, sooner and later.

Finding Hope

Can man re-learn some things that he never got? Can he/she be re-attached to the life sources? Yes and no (Technology can be a diversion to the inevitable). I proposed that man integrate at least three things (if he hasn't done already).:

1. Stop trying to be God;

2. Love and respect other people;and,

3. Seek peace.

In no particular order, we should charge our leaders to do these three things religiously (as well as, we emanate these values in all of our lives - daily). If we feel that these three things cannot be followed - as soon as possible - then we are doomed. In America, we cannot be the self-proclaimed exceptional if we don't return to the only life sources (And, ordained by the Creator) that have the power to make all in the world exceptional. As the umbilical chord was detached to soon from the placenta, we find our whole existence being detached, too soon.