Introducing our Baby Girl to the Steemit Family! πŸ’•

in #birth β€’ 6 years ago


Hello everyone! Introducing our new little bundle of joy to the Steemit Family! Yay she’s finally here!!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ’“



She was born on June 13th weighing a WOPPING 9lbs. 4oz. and 21 inches long!!! 😳😳😳 Can you imagine how πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ I was during labor? Lol


Posterior Experience

I labored from 6:02am to 2:01pm...8 hours! Half way through the labor my midwife noticed an inconsistency with my contractions. They would start off strong and then waver off. On top of that they started to pan out way too far from each other (from 3 to 5 minutes apart to 8 or more minutes apart). She then realized the baby was posterior! I experienced a lot of back pain that I have never experienced with any of my other deliveries. They got me into a position that encouraged her to turn within 40 minutes. It was very uncomfortable but by the Grace of God I was able to push through.


Pushing Out a 9 Pounder!

We all thought with her being my fifth child that she would come out smoothly and quickly. I pushed my fourth child out within 5 minutes. We just couldn’t figure out why it was so hard for me to get her going and moving once she was facing the correct way. This was the first time I pushed for OVER an hour!!! It was probably close to one hour and 15 minutes. After she was weighed it all made sense...I had to work harder because she was a 9 pounder!! The biggest baby I have pushed out prior to her was only 7lbs. 5oz. My body was in shock!! πŸ˜…


Birthing Techniques Used

Since I labored for so long I decided to try different methods to keep the ball rolling...

  • Partner Sway - In a standing position facing my husband I wrapped my arms around his neck. He placed his hands around my waist and helped me sway back and forth through contractions.

  • Peanut Ball - I layed on my side while the peanut ball was in between my legs during contractions. This helps open you up and make room for the baby to make their way down the birth canal.

  • Birthing Ball - I sat down on the birthing ball while my husband supported me from the back. I rolled my bottom around in circles during contractions in order to dilate more.

  • Walking - Walking around the labor room helped bring her head down even more. I normally don’t walk as much as I did but I didn’t want to stay stationary, I wanted to keep moving to keep things progressing.

  • Belly Lift - The Baby was so far back at the beginning that my midwife suggested I lift my belly during every contraction to help her find her way...this really helped speed things up. I literally grabbed my belly and lifted it up as I swayed. Once it got too hard for me my husband stood behind me as I leaned back on him and he did the lifting for me. I couldn’t have done it without his support~ ❀️



Overall baby is healthy and strong and me, mommy is recovering and about to get some good rest tonight! I’m totally exhausted. That’s all for now! More to come later. πŸ‘‹πŸ½

Thank You For Reading~










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WOW !!!πŸ™πŸΌ
Glad everything went well.
It is a cutie and for sure a bundle of joy.
Wish you well and the baby and well needed rest for you
but not for long.
Thanks for sharing.
May God bless you all.

Thank you so much! I’m getting in as much rest as possible. πŸ˜‰

God Bless~

Yay! Congratulations!

Thank you!!

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Thank you!!

Congratulations to you! What a delivery! So glad she is here safely!

Thank you!! Oh yes it was quite the delivery experience!

Oh my gosh I just saw this now! Congratulations!! It's been almost a week, how are mom and baby?

I thought my mom had it bad! I was 8lbs 2oz. But nine pounds? 😲 That baby is healthy! I wish you and your little bundle many blessings in the days to come. ❀

Thank you so much! We are doing really well. It was rough the first few days but slowly I’m recovering pretty well. The baby is nursing so good...almost too good lol!! She’s definitely an eater!! Haaa!

Lol yes I am still in shock I delivered a 9 pounder!

Congratulations Mama!!!

Wishing her a long happy, healthy, and wealthy life ❀️❀️❀️

Thank you so much sweet friend~ ❀️😘

Hello, little Crosheille. You look lovely ;-)

Thank you!! πŸ˜„β˜ΊοΈ

Congratulations and welcome to our princess in the beautiful world.

Thank you kindly~ 😊

She is just perfect! Way to go, Mama! Wow! 9 lbs! Mine ranged from 6.2-7.10. You are a warrior mama! ❀️

Thank you so much! Yes Wowsers!!! I never thought I would deliver a 9 pound baby!! πŸ˜„

The biggest I’ve ever delivered before her was only body is still in shock!! πŸ˜…β€οΈ

Congratulations on the safe arrival of your new and healthy baby princess @crosheille.

Thank you so much sweet mama!! ☺️

🌸 Congratulations @crosheille πŸ’“ to you and to your whole family on the new arrival πŸ’“

Thank you so much @cryptocariad!! πŸ’•

She looks adorable! Congratulations! πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š

Thank you so much!!!! ❀️☺️

Congratulation @crosheille πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Thank you!!! 😊

Congratulations :)

She really looks beautiful and adorable !

Thank you very much~ 😊

Awwww she is so sweet and welcome to the world and your wonderful family little one


Thank you so much! I really appreciate the sweet tip!! ☺️ You are so kind~

Nah I am just plain old me :)

Which is kind lol!! πŸ˜„

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Congratulations @crosheille!! Ohhhh you joined the posterior baby club!😳 So glad for you that they figured that out and got her to turn.

Thank you!! Yes I did. I thought about you all while I was going through it. I kept thinking to myself β€œso this is what they were talking about.” 😳

I’m so glad it’s over and she’s here with us!

Congratulations @crosheille & great job :) I wish you take rest well and enjoy life with your baby lady!

Thank you!! I am taking advantage of any rest time lol! πŸ˜‰

Shout hallelujah!! And congratulations. She is beautiful!! All 9+ pounds of her!! Not all wrinkeldy-up like a lot of newborns. Look out!! She's gonna be gorgeous!!

Thank you so much!!!! πŸ˜„β€οΈβ˜ΊοΈ

You did so well @crosheille. She is really bigger than any of the children you have borne! 9 pounders beautiful baby girl, and you did it! Thank God for experienced midwives. She is indeed made for you and you are for her. πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• CONGRATULATIONS!!! HUGS

Welcome to this world, beautiful one. Blessing you with joy and abundance of grace, and on your mama too :)


Thank you so much sweet mama!!! I am so grateful for our midwives! I am also thankful for the strength and endurance the Lord provided me. πŸ’•

Congratulations!!! So cute and you did so well. It went so much faster, I thought you had some days... but wohoooo everything went fine (you are both healthy) but I cannot imagine how exhausting and taxing this probably was. I hope you have help and there is time for you both to regenerate :-D
I send you both hugs and love

Thank you!! I am so glad the delivery is over and she is finally here! It was very taxing and I feel so bruised and broken but it was all worth it. ☺️❀️


Thank you!!! 😊

Well done to you and congratulations to you and hubby! Happy to hear that little bub is healthy! What a little cutie. Thank you for sharing your family with Steemit!

Thank you so very much! 😊

Congrats. She is adorable. Our first child was posterior so although I have no context of the pain you felt, I saw my wife experience.

Thanks for sharing this wonderful event with us. BLessings to your and your family.

Thank you! Yes my husband said it was hard for him to see me in so much pain this round. Definitely a big difference from what I’m used to. Tell your wife she is Amazing for me please. Any woman that has gone through what I have experienced deserves a Medal of Honor and Strength ~ 😊

Blessings to you all as well.

yay! congrats crosheille and beautiful baby. welcome to the world and may you be blessed your entire life. 9’l s wow crosheille, what a strong woman you are and im so happy for you. blessings for all you did to bring here into the world. she almost looks like a young woman already: ready to walk, talk and eat regular food 🀣🀣🀣 awesome job!

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜… Oh my goodness you’ve got my dying over here with your comment!!! You said it looks like she’s about to walk and talk and eat regular food that’s soooo hilarious!! A lot of people don’t believe she’s a newborn lol!! She’s definitely our big girl already lol!

Thank you so much for the congrats and blessings~ 😊

@crosheille hehe sorry i couldn't help myself. she will be singing and crocheting in about amonth? bwahahahaha

πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… Yes I agree!! Lol

@crosheille how many children do you have now? :) theyre so beautiful

Thank you!! This makes 5 now! 😊

@crosheille wow 5 woo hooo goo mama, wann make me one? theyre sooo adorable that i would definitely accept if you offered to make me a special one. hehe

Congratulations! She’s so sweet! Glad everyone is healthy, ❀️❀️

Thank you so much~ πŸ’•

Congratulations to you and to your lovely family. Have you chosen a name for your new little bundle of joy?

Thank you so much!!! We’re so glad she’s finally here with us! Her siblings are crazy over her! πŸ€—β˜ΊοΈ

Yes we have her name...we let our oldest two pick her middle name so they could be apart of it~ 😊

She looks very cute and I'm glad she's healthy : )

Thank you so much! We are so thankful for her health~

I wish you health and happiness!

Thank you kindly~ 😊

Congratulations πŸŽ‰ she’s beautiful! Thank you for sharing this experience with us.


Thank you so much! It was my pleasure~ 😊

She is beautiful! Congrats! Thankful to read that you both are safe and healthy! Enjoy all the baby snuggles. :)

Thank you so much!! Yes I am so thankful for both of our health. I have a long road to recovery but it was all worth it :)

She is beautiful! Congrats! Thankful to read that you both are safe and healthy! Enjoy all the baby snuggles. :)

Awww. Congrats!!!! q^β€Ώ^q

Thank you!!! 😊

Congratulations you must be so happy!! Now rest up and enjoy xx

Thank you!! Oh yes I am so thrilled!!! I sure will!! 😊

Congratulations, mama! She is beautiful, and you did such a great job! So smart to bring in new tools. Wishing you a swift recovery!

Thank you sweet Mama!!! I am so relieved it’s over and she is here with us!!! Yes now on to recovery ;)

Nice and easy!

Right! πŸ˜‰

Congratulations!! She is stunning, and wow, 9 pounds! You all get some rest. πŸ’–πŸ’–

Thank you! Yes 9!!! 😳 I’m gonna need about 3 weeks to recover lol! πŸ˜…

Congratulations on the birth of your new child. I'd say you put in a "full day" of labor bringing this one into the world. She looks adorable, now get that well deserved rest and recovery.

Thank you!!! Yes it literally was full days work! I’m taking advantage of every rest moment ;)

She looks healthy. Congratulation to you and her dad. May God bless her and all the best for the entire family. Also thanks for connecting us with your life journey. Say hello to her from me <3

Thank you @azizbd! I appreciate you stopping by to see her!! I’ll tell her hi for you!! πŸ˜„

She is just perfect!
You are a rock star😘

Thank you so much!! πŸ˜„πŸ˜˜

Hard work pays off, you did great mama! Welcome to the world baby unicorn!! πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“

Yes it really does pay off!! Thank you for all of your support ~ 😘

Congratulations on your daughter! It is such a joy! I also want a daughter!

Thank you!!! Yes it really is a Joy!! I hope you get that daughter some day~ 😊

Congratulations!! She is BEAUTIFUL!!!! β™₯
β™₯ β™₯ β™₯ β™₯ β™₯

Thank you!!! πŸ˜„πŸ€—β€οΈ

Yea!! I'm so glad to have finally seen this post and some pics!! :) She's so pretty and I'm glad she and you are doing well. Glad that your husband was there to help you does sound pretty bad! My labors are all really long and my 5th was pretty crazy as well! It's so nice now that it's over, right??? Yea for having a sweet baby to cuddle finally! I was only off by a few days for her birth. ;) Can't wait to see pics of her continuing to grow. She's a keeper. :)

Thank you!! I’m glad you you were able to view! I am sooooo glad it’s over and she’s home now! I forgot to tell you Happy Birthday!!! I’m so sorry, it was a crazy last week for me! I hope you enjoyed your day though! 😊❀️

Congratulations! That's one big baby, but you handled it like a pro! Glad you finally have your baby girl!

Thank you!! Yes she’ such a chunk of love!! πŸ˜„ I’m so glad too~

She's gorgeous! And a big beauty! My son was 9 lbs 6 oz - first baby - so big he got a hole in his lung on the way out from getting so squeezed and then expanding so fast. He was fine, but it was rough on us both - not to mention my husband who thought I was going to die and then that the baby might die...
get some rest! I hope I won't be far behind you now...As soon as it cools down a bit, I'll be going out to take another walk. Enjoy your new sweety!

Thank you! Oh my the hole in his lungs closed up? I bet that was so scary for you and your husband. That was a rough first delivery for you. I hope this next one is smoother, safe and you and baby are healthy and well. ❀️

He spent 6 days in the NICU and just had to "remain calm" like newborns always do, right??? ;-) They could shine a really bright light right through his chest to see if it was getting better, then they did an xray to confirm the day they released him. A bit stressful at first, but he was otherwise a big hulking healthy baby, so we were not nearly as worried once we got to hold him and got him nursing, etc...
Hope your recovery is coming along from your extra large delivery!

Wow I can imagine how stressful that was, especially when you just want to get your newborn home. I’m glad he is okay now.

It’s coming along. I’m just trying to be careful not to lift heavy things so I won’t prolong it. πŸ˜‰ I hope you are doing well, I know you’re getting ready for the big day.

Congratulations @crosheille she’s beautiful. πŸ’ best wishes to you and family 🌻

Thank you so much @oceanmoon! 😊

You’re an inspiration @crosheille πŸ’

Awww wow thank you!! That means so much to me! ☺️☺️☺️

Congrats my dear! She looks pretty and adorable! :-).

Thank you so much!! We’re so happy she’s here!! 😊❀️

congratulations on your beautiful baby girl and the birth, you are a warrior mama, lots of love to you and your family xxx

Thank you so much from a warrior mama to another! ☺️❀️ You are one of the strongest mamas I know!

Congrats to you and your family. So happy you and the baby are okay. It was a long ordeal for you. Blessings. ❀️

Thank you so much!! I’m so glad the hard part is over and she’s here. 😊

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