Thanks, buddy! I have a four-year-old consumer grade camera, nothing professional or super expensive like some of the guys I see down at the bird sanctuary. I've had people walk over, look at my gear and kind of sneer at me... waving around lenses that cost more than I ever spent on a car. I use a fast shutter speed to freeze the action. I shoot all my bird photography with the camera in full manual mode, so I'm operating the thing like I did with film cameras back in the day.
It's a funny thing with photography - it's most definitely NOT the camera that makes the shot, but on the other hand, I've got another camera here, brand new, that you could never make these shots with... It's a matter of the right tool for the job.... that plus knowing what all the little buttons and knobs do. I figure I know what a good 60% or more of those buttons and settings are for, and the rest I'm just too old and dumb to learn :)
hahaha! you are so funny keithboone! you take world class photos so I guess you don't need to know what all those settings are for.
That's so funny that people sneer at you because of your "inferior" camera. You probably got it at Walmart for a couple hundred and they paid a couple grand not including the special lenses! lol.
Just so you understand... if money were no object, I would take this camera:
and this lens
which would come in at $19,600 US... at that point I would probably try to strike a deal and get free shipping!
If money were really and truly no object I could easily spend more! That lens is not really all that great, I could find better glass than that. The funny thing is, my photography would go downhill for a while. It takes special skills to get the most out of high-megapixel cameras and I would get a lot of blurry shots until I learned to handle the new gear!
This might make an interesting thread for photographers: if you were cosmically-rich, like Bond-villain or Saudi-Prince rich (same thing really, right?) If you were that rich, what camera would you buy? For birds I mean...
haha! oh my gosh I don't know anything about cameras or photography so I had no idea they could be so much money! wow and that was nowhere near the very best huh?!
Well, it's getting near the top of what a pro might pay, but if you had money to burn you could always find a way!
I agree, that would be fun too!