News from stork house

in #birds6 years ago


The frost became stronger and we had to take additional measures to warm our birds. To cope with the cold, the bird must be healthy, well fed and able to warm its legs. The stork room is quite warm. Today we did not let them out. In addition, we changed the straw on the floor unplanned so that their feet were dry. It is important. The stork is not a dog. It solves his physiological problems where he is and does not go outside. Therefore, the bedding quickly becomes dirty. Now the floor is covered with a thick layer of dry straw.


It's funny, but despite the cold, storks have already started singing their marriage songs. Perhaps the warm room brought them to the idea of posterity ... This is very funny. One bird throws its head back and clicks its beak very-very quickly. The rest are swoop up.


We understand that there is almost no chance that they will have offspring. Birds with disabilities rarely create families. But we still hope that some of our birds will find family happiness.




They are very sweet. I wish I could feed my bird. I love animal feeding. Because animals benefit people in many ways. It benefits people both in terms of nutrients and therapy. Thanks for this beautiful photo. I wish you continued success.

Are there fighting or weaker birds getting picked on?