Long-eared Owl Asio otus
I just returned from a 4-day birding trip with friends to Sputh-eastern Washington State. One of the highlights was finding a number of owls at their roosts in the daytime. The best find, by far, was this Long-eared Owl in Walla Walla county. Long-eared Owls tend to use communal roosts, and at least 3 birds were found in this roost in a thicket of birch trees. This is a common phenomenon in winter for this species.
Great Horned Owls are another species often spotted on their daytime roosts.
A pair of daytime roosting Great Horned Owls Bubo virginianus in Asotin County.
This Great Horned Owl flew just as darkness approached for this cool silhouette shot.
Owls are often nocturnal, but by knowing where to look can often be found in the daytime too.
Good birding