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RE: Misinformation, Misconceptions, and Covid-19

in #biology5 years ago

One product that has gained traction on social media involves mixing sodium chlorite solution with citric acid, generating chlorine dioxide solution. The instructions then state for this powerful bleaching agent to be consumed, promising antimicrobial, antiviral, and antibacterial actions. The American Food and Drug Administration has previously served severe warnings against this, as it causes severe vomiting, life-threatening low blood pressure, and acute liver failure. Source

Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) has a strong antiviral effect, and can disinfect the surface of object and the air in space. In recent study on interaction between ClO2 and protein, ClO2 oxidatively modified tyrosine and tryptophan residues, and the protein was structurally denatured. Source

If you were to eat or drink large amounts of chlorine dioxide or chlorite, you might experience irritation in the mouth, esophagus, or stomach. Source

Aqueous chlorine dioxide (ClO2), an alternative disinfectant for drinking water, was found to decrease gastrointestinal (GI) bioavailability of dietary iodide. It has been previously reported that subchronic exposure to ClO2 decreases thyroxine (T4) levels in nonhuman primates. Source

I can not find a single credible source that recommends taking chlorine dioxide against viral infections, even after extensive literature review.

It is used as surface disinfectant, water disinfectant, and occasionally wound disinfectant. There are several studies that carefully try to determine how much of it is even safe to use to disinfect water.

I'm not entirely sure where you got this information, but the fact that you offered to send me the information per email suggests that it was not a reputable source. Reading through your other comments, I know you won't accept that.

Also, I'm slightly amused that out of all newspapers, you cite Bild - one of the biggest heaps of trash ever. Of course they are shit. They earn their money with the stupidity of people.

Btw, "pH and electrons" don't differentiate between your body cells, friendly bacteria, and unfriendly bacteria. In fact, a lot of friendly bacteria can become harmful if they do not exist in a proper balance inside your body.

Do you know what "oxidation and pH" mean, and how they affect your body?


Also, I'm slightly amused that out of all newspapers, you cite Bild - one of the biggest heaps of trash ever. Of course they are shit. They earn their money with the stupidity of people.

Others don't? ALL RIGHT!

Btw, "pH and electrons" don't differentiate between your body cells, friendly bacteria, and unfriendly bacteria. In fact, a lot of friendly bacteria can become harmful if they do not exist in a proper balance inside your body.

Most illnesses can only exist in acidic environment but nmvd. You are the boss.

Just wait and do nothing. maybe say yes to the vaccination- ^^

okay. so it's already in ur drinking water that must mean it's TOXIC and like Chlorbleiche!!!11111


Nobody but you said Chlorbleiche.

Nobody? Go google MMS on Youtube.
Or search for your favorite all-knowing-youtuber mailab
or look at any other mainstream media


Fine, *nobody in this conversation but you.

Who is mailab? Never heard of that person.

Anyway, I know you're set on your opinion and feel superior to anyone here. So go ahead, drink your ClO2. I'm not going to stop you, I just refuse to let misinformation like that uncommented under my post.

yes. I drink my clO2 which passed enough studies and tests and you inject some weird nanotechnologic rna vaccine which doesnt even pass the normal tests, cuz WE HAVE NO TIME

go ahead

*for your information: out of clO2 comes only water, salt

but yeah, you also seem to feel superior even though you didnt read a single study cuz you couldnt find one LEL

my clO2 which passed enough studies and tests

Those studies that you refer to are likely actually indicators for testing the toxicity levels and safety levels on ClO2 as an industrial cleaner. i.e. at what levels does it cause eye irritations, throat and lung irritation and skin irritation.

People, please do not drink ClO2 it is extremely dangerous!

Most illnesses can only exist in acidic environment

Besides that the whole "body too acidic" thing is just esoteric bs, as the body regulates its PH itself,

ClO2 solution is acidic. 😂

Captain obvious.

I don't care anymore, was a fun conversation, it's ur life

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