What's way more important for me is that these new vaccines are also based upon a completely new technology. RNA vaccines..
It's like genetically modifying humans.. live.. without tests (Gates wanna come down to 18 months of testing instead of 5 yrs - even though that new technology is still illegal.. so they also try to break the ice for this new technology..)
Also you should inform yourself about chlordioxide (clO2) instead of hydroxychloroquine ;)
Greets :)
zieh Dir das mal rein -- ist lustig ;)
ne grad kein Bock danke
zieh du dir lieber mal was sinnvolles rein, vllt bissl Fernsehen? bissl Panik :)
Hast Du mal versucht MMS auf D9 zu potenzieren und daraus Globuli zu machen?
nerv nicht
War ne ernst gemeinte Frage
ich glaub du solltest dich wirklich vor den Fernseher hocken
Ne, da kriegt man eckige Augen von. Habe ich auf https://www.zeitenschrift.com/ gelesen
Actually, it is not genetically modifying humans.
But I understand where you're coming from.
To break the definition I gave down: RNA vaccines provide your cells with a blueprint. They follow this blueprint and produce a protein that looks like a specific surface area of the virus. The cell sends this protein to the outside, and the immune system reacts to it as if it would to a viral infection, ideally creating a memory.
There are no modifications to the human genome, and the RNA is eventually destroyed by the body, it does not stay in the cell forever.
However, past attempts at RNA or DNA vaccines have not been very successful, because the immune response is not very effective and usually requires a second type of immunisation agent (Source: My lecturer for my "Vaccines and Adjuvants" module, I am a bit too lazy to look up a paper for that. But can if you insist).
I agree that thorough tests are needed for any kind of vaccine. Actually, 18 months is still pretty optimistic. The majority of that time is not used to produce a potential vaccine candidate, but to wait after injecting it in someone to see if it damages the person, and if it creates immunity.
I haven't followed the vaccine research for SARS-CoV-2 too closely because I don't have the time to read much extra stuff on top of my assignments. Although, jokes on me, one of the ones I still need to write is about the question why it's difficult to develop coronavirus vaccines.
Anyway, I understand your concern. The main problem I see is the rushed timeline and potential lack of testing, mostly because they tend to skip animal models and directly inject it into volunteers. Then again, we kinda need a vaccine, social distancing and lockdowns can't go on forever.