Binance hack rumors spread yesterday, let's discuss what actually happened. Good Morning Crypto!
We will also cover web mining once again, Steve Bannon commenting crypto and some stats!
Bitcoin price together with the entire crypto market took a huge hit yesterday. Was it because of the Binance hack? Leave your comments and opinions guys!

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Ivan on Tech is all about cryptocurrencies and the technology behind Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, IOTA. We also cover Bitcoin price, altcoin price, investing, analytics, different altcoins.
Ivan on Tech by Ivan Liljeqvist
@ivanli: this gif is so annoying! What date we have? 1995? :P
Please do not use it anymore. Please.
siemka :D jak tam ^^ ?
This hack created an arbitrage opportunity subscribers were alerted to this.
I lost a lot of money because of these rumors!
It surprises me that people are willing to grant access to third parties to use their API keys. I think the Binance hack illustrates why one should be careful when granting this kind of access to third parties as it can be easily misused.
Very nice,,
Binance now saying it was an API issue and they will reverse the sales and make everyone whole again!
yes, these were only rumors but it had an effect on the market though. The cryptocurrency dropped but hopefully, will go up again.
Binance is breaking hearts...Market has blood all over it .mercy lord
Binance published an amazing blog about the Phishing Scam. Well done Binance!
yaah not hacked it false news it may issue in bainace api key! watching your videos it very informative for crypto lover ! thank you now people hacked steemit account do not use masterkey use only posting key to be safe on steemit!
Oooh really?
I was about to leave binance
And I don’t think the market crash is due to Binance Hack Thanks for discussing the issue @ivanli
Apparently A LOT of Binance users' accounts got hacked and their altcoins were changed to bitcoin and pumped into Viacoin. Viacoin pumped up to 666% at one point.
Almost all altcoins tanked as a result and probably triggered stop losses.
It's still not 100% sure
We'll have to wait..
Thanks for sharing this
Great news btw
Good morning Ivan !
Thanks for the update as always of course 😅👍.
Mt Gox is really not playing friendly with our crypto community.
Already binance has been recovered their transactions . This is the good news. Your information will really help to aware anout handling of cryptocurrencies. Thank @ivanli for sharing your information with us. Your logical word is really appreciable.
Binance really sucks, hope he won't get successful in his attempts, God forbid...
Withdrawals were already automatically disabled by the risk management system, none of the withdrawals successfully went out. Additionally, the VIA coins deposited by the hackers were also frozen. Not only did the hacker not steal any coins out, their own coins have also been withheld. After a thorough security check by Binance, they resumed withdrawals. Trading functionality was never affected.
Regardless of Binance’s fast reaction though, the damage was done and the market dropped in reaction to the initial scare in addition to further regulation in the US. Bitcoin hit a recent low of $9,468 and the rest of the altcoins tumbled as well.
I don't know what the hell this is but i saw many users complaining on Reddit that their cryptocurrencies were sold for Bitcoin.
This is still a developing story, so nothing is sure yet..
Thanks for sharing this..
Keep us updated
Again the crypto repoter comes with something new, Moderators of the CryptoCurrency subreddit recommend several courses of action for traders using a portfolio management tool or third-party trade bots that use Binance API keys. These include disabling those accounts on Binance or the tools themselves, disabling trade access to the API on Binance, or resetting the API key.
Keep us up to date, thankyou
I'm actually watching this on Youtube as I type this! Crazzyyy!
Now we face issue in binance market steem rate goes low
thankyou for the update!
This caused a lot of decline in the crypto market.
How is that even possible that the binance tranferred the funds to the bitcoin...
It is true what Steeve banon has said true independency will come with cryptocurrency ..... Cryptocurrency is making completely a different space in this world , self employing ..isnt it great .....what we need is only the internet connection...
Thanks for sharing the video & and making us smater , and good morning to you tooo....
Saw it already
One way or the other, the cryptocurrency market will recover from this event!
thanks for the daily update!
i didn't have about binance sir... thanks for for the information... it'll helps me a lot.👍
It was really scary the way price dropped and then there was Stampede. Let's see how people can manage this.
Hi. I liked your post, keep it up. I wish you good luck and have a good day, and of course you can also get a big jackpot :)
@ivanli I suspect that this is a handywork of some crypto portfolio management app where people give API keys without thinking to make it a Read Only access.
Also outputs is a better measure than number of transactions themselves because of batching.
well i dont know what is happening binance is been hacking again and again
Funny how you are discussing the mis-use of the term FUD in your vid today. I wrote a post on this very topic yesterday, you may find it interesting Ivan, as it aligns with your expressed sentiments :
Am greatful that you always update us about crypto currencies thank you so much