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RE: The Demasculation of Men Is Part of Satan Klaus' Great Reset

in #billgates4 years ago

I am getting the impression Jeff is perhaps either mind controlled himself or controlled opposition because he always talks about being for the genocide and also talks about everything being a "video game". Elon Musk was the one I first heard spreading the "simulated reality" notion. So it is probably pure brainwashing straight from the globalists because it essentially makes people psycho thinking everything is just a video game and makes them not care about what is going on because "it's just a dream" or a "video game". Might as well sit back and let the globalists take control of the entire world, oh well it's just a game. Yeah, Jeff you make fun of everyone for being brainwashed but you are yourself because what you say is exactly what the globalists want people to think and they want people to do nothing. Worst was when you were actually praising gates and fauci and saying you were a fan.


Interesting, never thought that hard about it, i guess you're right, i still like him tho, he's very truthful even though he belives or says he believes that it's a videogame. I personally believe this is real life and that it's not simlated, but created somehow, i suspect a, or The God.