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RE: Bilderberg and Bitcoin

in #bilderberg7 years ago

Thanks, I'll definitely have a look. If this is true then the theory I presented here probably doesn't hold weight but perhaps it should not be totally disregarded.

According to Blockstreams' website they are contributing to its development:

We are now developing Bitcoin Lightning prototypes and creating consensus on interoperability.

Beyond this statement, I didn't find much else in terms of details unless I signed up for their mailing list.

Thanks for your defense of Blockstream as I do not want to make them out to be nefarious actors and there's certainly a lot more I need to learn about the Lightening network.


Thanks v4vapid - I appreciate your open mind / impartiality. Yep - Blockstream is certainly influential on lightning. I personally don't think they exercise "control" or have motives to centralise BTC - but skepticism is healthy and it is worth creating awareness on who influences the development roadmap.

Blockstream is not working on the lightning network anymore.........It sidechains for them now.