
One day soon, your bank will close on a Friday and not reopen. When/if it does reopen, more than 50% of what you had "on deposit" will be gone if not all of it. It happened to me.

It could happen but in the US it’s all insured and if that fails the USD I have won’t be worth much anyways.

I rarely have that much USD in my possession. Where I live, real estate sells only in dollars. So I need to cash out to greenbacks for a house.

For your part in Steem or crypto - keep what you have and you will be able to name your price when you see others with shovels and paper dollars in the streets.

Fair enough. I don’t think it’ll get that bad but you never know and it’s best to prepare for the worst!

If you don’t mind me askin,out of curiosity where do you live that real estate deals are done in USD? Out here in Boston cash deals happen and are preferred but they’re done via a wire, cashiers check, etc.

baffled also if so @htooms that certainly we must strive so that don't have lost