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RE: How Does Cycling Benefit your Health?

in #bicycle7 years ago

ahhh come on man, its a terrible article, don;'t encourage him lol its just trash that he upvoted with bots! We should only upvote LEGIT posts not some dumb post about how bicycling helps your health.. We all fucking know that hahaha what garbage. I would have been fine fi the article was about STEEM and bicycles.,

maybe they could make some report on all the bike riders on steem, would that have been so hard? Rthe author could have involved steem somehow but nope

we should not tolerate these assholes writing a SCHOOL report and posting it as an interesting blog. This blog post would never be on front page without bid bots so he shpould respect and acknowledge that fact, and not do whatever he wants. He should write osmething that involves the promtoion oif steem THROUGH bicycling and not just some Click bait type article you find on image sites or Gawker type sites, that's what this article feels like, like a lte night infomercial, feels like a young 12 year old had to write a report for school... Its so LAME

why couldn't the author actually TRY like they just upvoted ANYTHING they had NO idea what to write, its like they paid osmeone on fivver to write an article about health and only because they notcied otrher articles on health getting high priceson steem but that's ONLYT because they were PAID for.. You see all these people imitating the behaviour of Bots and its gross! People think we WANT to READ this shit?

It pisses me off that this post is on trending to begin with, you guys don't haveto make it WORSE by APPLAUDING the shit hahaha its GARBAGE its a GARBAGE post hahaha

We can't waste our time flagging it. Well at least I can't I wish I could. I think @postpromoter and @smartsteem should take this upvote away and sell it to someone else instead but they can't really do that

They are making moiney and I want @prameshtyagi to get their rewards and save it power it up hold it BUT I want them to include STEEM in their future articles. Don't just waste our time with the obnvious triuth we ALREADY all knew , which was that excersize makes us healthyt... WE KNEW this, we didn't need a $700 Steemit post to tell us this! We need INSPIRATION on steem! Would t have been that hard to include some sentences at the beginninga nd end of the article about how STEEM is like excersizing your Brain? And how Steemians and Bicycle riding can be organied into a Steem Promotion Bike ride across the world or osmething? Why not talkj about doing a big bike ride FOR steem, to promotethe steem bloickchain?>

Why not add some of the top steemianw who ride bikes and show their pics in rthe post to help promote them since uyr going to be on the front page

if youre going to beon the front page why not support steem tyopo??

Sorry fo I sounded rude here is an upvote on you are comment but I get mad when is ee Generic LAME posts like this.


I think u forget the power of reminders. And it is in that taste.

For steem - the trend is always full of that. We need to have diversity subjects covered in trend. BTW I do write on crypto and steem too.

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