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RE: Beware of doubting what God says!

in #bible7 years ago (edited)

If there are many different translations, and the meanings of the original words could be any of various possibilities, then how do we know which is accurate without looking to another source of information for consideration?

For example, Genesis begins with the Hebrew term b'reishit, which in its most literal form means "In beginning". This is an open ended term which could indicate the beginning, or it could indicate a beginning. How can we say which is most accurate from the Bible as the primary source? Countless times this has been translated as "In the beginning", but that does not mean "in beginning" as the more general term is not more accurate. It is a very fine line we walk when logic and reason (where science is a progressive development thereof) are not used to ensure with absoluteness what is truth in its most original form and what is inserted based on interpretation since. Science, flawed as it may be in its current perspectives on reality, is still a very important tool for ascertaining particular details such as this. And this is in the very first words, think how many times these issues arise in the entirety of the text, how many hidden layers of meaning are buried behind misunderstandings and assumptions that have compiled over the years and been inserted into translations, and subsequently been looked at as the Word of God and therefore absolute.

Just my two cents. The Bible is certainly truth, but only when it is interpreted with a framework of understanding of reality can we see that truth in earnest.