
price, user engagement, user retention... i mean pretty much pick a metric.

also, theres the two-sentence resignation announcement from its CTO.

i know youll try to spin all these things, but to people who haven't checked their critical thinking at the door, its pretty transparent.

EDIT to add:

Worthwhile to clarify, i do think steem is taking on water. I don't think its sunk, or certain to sink. The ship can be righted imo, but only if the people running it actually try to fix the problems (instead of patting themselves on the back for how awesome they think their ship is).

I wouldnt call it spin to disagree with yiu based on some truth: I dont know of many cryptos that dont follow a very similar pattern of pumping to a huge valuation and then slowly losing value until it finds equilibrium.

Show me the metrics you are looking at and maybe we can talk, but I am personally not powering down (without powering it right back up). Should tell you where I stand. I do agree we have struggles as a community and a chain, but Ive never been part of something big thst didnt have struggles. So I guess you can call it spin but I definitely do see it differently than you
Which is fine :)