WhaleShares Logo Competition #1 Begins!

Whaleshares Logo Contest #1
I am a miniwhale but I have always felt it important to use the funds I earn to give back to an ecosystem so value can continue to grow. So with this said, I am proud to announce that everyone's trust and upvotes in me has brought me to a place where I have wonderful news for the community!
Finally, after much blood, sweat and tears whaleshares is functional!
What is WhaleShares?
Whaleshares is the design of @officialfuzzy to incorporate the first meta-token backed fully by Steempower (SP) and give users the ability to summon a whale to upvote their post by simply sending Whaleshares to the designated account(s). Think of it like DKP for Steem!
Why WhaleShares?
WhaleShares was meant to reduce friction and help end the rule of "upvote bots" on steemit and other static methods that completely take human interaction out of the equation. @officialfuzzy and the Beyond Bitcoin team believe in whales being benevolent sharers of their SP via the creation of an economic tool that promotes powering up and dissincentivizes powering down---THIS MAKES STEEM GO UP IN DEMAND AND PRICE!
We believe the Upvotes can be the basis for an informal economy based on the trust of a community and Beyond Bitcoin, as the community that inspired Steem's very creation, means to use this tool to empower the evolution of the community we all have grown to love. According to my calculations, my whaleshares token can pay out approximately 140k per year WITHOUT me powering down! I intend to use these tokens to pay community members who help and beyond bitcoin so we can continue to do what we do best---ACTUALLY Caring and building!!
What about the Contest?
We have accomplished a great deal with the resources earned from the last year of hangouts. Where once there was no funding to build, it turns out that our consistent unpaid efforts paid off with the creation of Steem and the subsequent showering of upvotes and support from a community we helped build. However, a quick visit to whaleshares.net will show that we still have lots of work to do beautifying our site. With that in mind, we thought what better way to introduce our new service than contests?
So, here's the skinny... We need a logo.
We could make one ourselves as at least 2/3 of the whaleshares team has graphic design skills but we thought we'd rather leave it up to you, the steem community, to design our logo and compete for some vote tokens (aka whaleshares). Contest will be in three rounds and each user can submit one entry per round. We will decide the winner from each round who will then move on to the final round where the steem community can vote on their favorite entry. Guidelines for entries are as follows:
Entries must be 1000 px x 1000 px square
Entries must be in .png format with a clear background
Entries must include the Bitshares and Steem logos
Entries must include a whale
Prizes for the 3 preliminary rounds are:
First prize: 1000 whaleshares
Second prize: 500 whaleshares
Third prize: 250 whaleshares
Prizes for the final round are:
First prize: 2000 whaleshares
Second prize: 1000 whaleshares
Third prize: 500 whaleshares
To enter, upvote and resteem this post and post your entry in the comments. Each user can submit one entry per round. The winner for each round will be chosen one week after initial post. Hope to see you there and happy Steeming!
These tokens are on BitShares! So make sure you have a BitShares Wallet to receive and send them for upvotes on your steem posts!
Download BitShares Wallet

While you are at it, feel free to join us on our WhaleShares Discord Server! for future bounties and other ways to earn Whaleshares from @officialfuzzy's whale account!

I tried to go simple..

Wave represents Steem and the circle is from Bitshares logo.
Hope it meets the rules. Let me know what you think.
Would it be possible for your to create two new logo's?Hi @lepton I really like your style.
I would try my best to get you some serious upvotes.
Sure I can try. Is there a deadline?
no deadline, take your time.
Ok Ill holla at you when I'm done.
Hi, sorry for delay.
I finaly found some time to work on it today so here are my first ideas:
And here is that same wolf howling at the BitShares moon :)

Hands down one of the best logos I've seen in the crypto world!
Excellent work!
Last one guys. This time with the whole wolf. But those heads seem to work better in small sizes.
Let me know what you think? @lepton @btswolf @officialfuzzy
i'll gladly donate whaleshares to you to give him btswolf. You have ALWAYS been an amazing and trustworthy person over the longitudinal study that is "bitshares"...
you are one of the people at the fringes who consistently creates powerful value...so i hope to God you accept it :)
Thanks guys, you are so generous. This is by far my biggest Steemit reward ever! I will do my best to create nice logos for BitShares.
Just create what u want and what will help bitshares AND steem most :)
these are great
thanks, I did them like a week ago but I dont think wolf seen them yet..
I love the second design. Beautifuly simplistic!!!
Official Presentation of The Brand/Design
Nice! Very clean and sharp. Good job @kyriacos
thank you.
Crisp and beautiful... pure. I love it....
Glad you like it man. thank you.
I love these
oh jeez, I wonder how "The Wolf of BitShares" logo would look like :-)
Hmmm, that's a good idea. Bit like Leo mixed with a werewolf XD
Oh jesus u are amazing. Contact me please on steemit.chat.
Yeah, will do. Thanks for getting back to me!
Hi mate, I just signed up to Steemit chat today. I'm a noob on there. Can you tell me how to connect with you on chat please?
Sorry, I have to get ready and go out. You can email me on jameshsmitharts@gmail.com. Talk to you later!
Can you do it but put the bts logo around the eye?
Sure can, will have to work on it for a bit. SHould have it ready for tomorrow. Should I post that one here?
I already have a specific idea in mind id like to talk to u about. Yes that iteration is fine here. Ill use yours for something i already have in mind whether we end up using something else for this :)
Its a super secret side project. :)
Hard to compete with that lol
Yeah, we had a whale of a time XD
That is a MASTERPIECE! seriously I like it a lot good job
Thank you man, she took some time to finish.
Me like this one!
Hope you like it :)
i doooo :)
Interesting project! Here is my entry: https://steemit.com/whaleshares/@penguinpablo/my-entry-for-the-whaleshares-logo-contest
Whale shape from here.
(edit: just saw only 1 per round, more later then:) ...
@officialfuzzy ..first entry, will do some variations too
I'm still waiting for 20 SBD from you for the other design contest I entered with @timcliff. Lol. Still, I couldn't pass up this opportunity, as it sounded very interesting.
It's pretty difficult to add the steemit and bitshares logo in a natural way, but here's what I came up with. I will likely edit it later or tomorrow to make improvements.
Reach me on steemit.chat :)
I think I messaged you on there. Hard to tell because the account is offline. If I have gotten it wrong, just look me up. My username is exactly the same as on here.
I hook u up. Thnx for informing me. Lets make it clear for everyone here that i missed it because it was funds i was going to donate to another project and aimoly was so busy it slipped mind. Wish u had told me sooner! :P
Such a solid quality
^ My entry. Greets.
Hope you like it :D

o yes
Intresting and well executed, I like it, you've done a great job, I can't get it like I imagine it, but you've done a great job on the lines :)
Thank you 😊
Hello Steemit community, heres my entry for this wonderful contest, please upvote if you feel its appealing and good. Thank you very much!
Ok some mockup demos
Please upvote, and help me to enter the 2nd round. THank you very much!!
Nice! I like it :)
Thank you :)
This is cute and innocent. Very appealing to the eyes.
Thank you ! :)
This is good
thank you @condra :)
here'mine ..
This is my art work for the contest.

A quick detail about my artwork. The world in in the center of the bitshare logo and at the same time is the eyes of the whale. There is a lot of meaning put into the design.
yes...there is. I noticed this. We humans are evolving out of the old paradigm as we are starting to wake up to the symbolism around us...
This is why art is so powerful...
Great art bro!
My entry:) I thought it would be nice to make the whale look like a growing seed at the same time, as a symbol of development:)

I like this!
here is my design. thanks!
nice :-)
My entry:
I like the humorous whale
Oh, thanks! It never hurts to smile a bit :)
First entry.
Here is my attempt.
I have simplified and integrated steemit's logo with the whale.
Then used a simpler version of bitshares logo as the backdrop.
@rickskimartin @supercush @supertraff
Here's my entry:
Steemit is so lucky to have my massive artistic talents. You can pay me in either SBD or Steem. Thanks ;)
EDIT: Oops should have read the rules more clearly. Forgot the Bitshares and Steem logos, doh!
Simply beautiful. I don't know how this isn't winning. I think this is rigged.
I know, right?
I pour my heart into a masterpiece and THIS is the appreciation that I get? Well, I know that the Steemit community loves it, but they're not the problem. It's so obvious that the Illuminati have their hands in this game. Probably one of the Rothschild lizard people.
I wouldn't be surprised if NASA is funding this, TBH.
I'm wearing my tin foil hat (SPF 20,000) just in case they're trying to control my mind to make me delete my entry. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!
Your massive talent fell flat against technical details . . . bummer.
And to think...technical analysis is my second strong suit!!! Irony bites me hard ;)
Yes....to both of u. All i can say is yes...keep me laughing so hard my stomach aches.
Why do I love this so much.... It probably won't win but I want a tshirt of this.
i have thought hard about this one...
Good lord! lmfao this is too hilarious. Picasso got nothing on you @jamesbrown
a piece of art in deed!! xD
that is great lolololololol
So many people are having this same type of reaction to my works of art. This just confirms for me that beautiful art can cause all types of emotions. For some reason unbeknownst to me, laughter seems to be prevalent with my artwork.
Anywho, thanks for your vote of confidence ;)
Damn i laughed so hard...
I luv u.
Are you telling me I'm so good that my artwork caused you to laugh uncontrollably?
I've read somewhere that inconceivable beauty can stir up these type of inappropriate emotions. TBH, it doesn't really surprise me that my artwork has caused this type of reaction.
Like I tell almost everybody that I meet in person, if it weren't for my holy level of humbleness I'd probably be the next Picasso. Everyone I've asked have agreed that I'm the humblest person that they've ever seen! I'm that good at being humble and I don't even try!
Right now, this is me not trying to be humble...no joke! I'm THAT good!!!
Yes, a lot of people love me, mostly because I'm so humble, but also because of my great talents and godly appearance. I also have a really good singing voice and radio voice and I can bench like 400 lbs without stretching or warming up, but it's not a big deal, I just have good genes.
Anyways, I digress. Thanks for your support ;)
I really do luv u.
I luv me 2, bro. I luv me a lot of me. In fact, I luv me so much that I can't stop looking at me in the mirror.
I'm looking right now as I type this...no joke. I'm doing a peck dance as I practice my bicep flex pose. I taught myself to type with my left hand cuz the mirror is to my left, making my pose look so much sexier when I do it with my right arm, but I've got to make sure to lean into it and wink at myself with a cocky smile.
Sometimes I have to stop typing so that I can wank one out. Hopefully that isn't TMI...
I'm down for exchanging numbers with you if you're interested in hanging out some time ;)
Interesting stuff @officialfuzzy here's my submission using an open-use friendly whale image :)
may not win but its funny and i like it :))
lol. troll whale
I like this. It doesn't take itself too seriously but it's not in any way unsophisticated. Is it a troll face? It looks like Luffy to me.
I used it for my entry into the writing contest
nice stuff!
Thank you. Feminine touch ;)
yeah I didn't read the read the rules right... poop
For Community :-)
So where do I collect my winnings?
LOL. you missed the genitalia
Here's my entry:

Awesome fuzzy! Congratulations and good luck. You and your supporters have made a big difference to us all. Thank you
My entry is happy and fresh from the sea :D
Catch a whale

That's a good kitty!
I hope we win ;)
How can I compete against this???, lmao
Wow, I really liked the concept. Summon a whale to vote. That's cool!!
I don't have the design skills to pull this off, but I'm anxiously waiting this project. Checking out the WhaleTank Discord now.
Great to hear and look forward to the entries!
Shared on twitter
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
What an awesome idea, man! Loving it. Hopefully I can find some time to make an entry.
Jesus, how could I've missed something like this?! - Insane, smart, innovative, splendid and amazing idea. Summit a whale to vote.. I'm actually speechless. I've heard people talking about "lending whale powers" and whatever but I never heard anyone talk about the possibility to summon a whale by yourself.
Cheers! (Not my entry! :D)
hahaha :)
Whaleshares sounds interesting. I will have to take a look... :) Unfortunately my drawing skills are nill, so I will leave that to someone else.
A beautiful idea. I will learn and try to draw a logo though I don't have any skills in designing as of now. It has inspired me to participate and contribute some thing out of my WhaleShares earnings if I win. Let me test my efforts...beginning.
that's really cool! i am still New, so anyone reading please feel free to have a look at my photo blog, thank you!
@officialfuzzy I guess the contest is over right?
This round is. Next round starts next monday!
Oh great, I'll be on the lookout...and thanks for the upvote on my comment!! Very Generous sire.Now following