Fathers are very special in our life.
Family is no. 1 on priority list
Selfie with inspiration note and message
Create 3 new messages every day :
-There is not enough words to say how much I loved my father
-not enough cofees together
-not enough pictures together
To show my love for my father!
Post every day
Post link in discord
3 messages every day
Vote for all friends
Follow.resteem this post
Invite all friend to join
I will decide on one winner per participation r shared wind totaling 3 sbd
Happy Fathers Day,week, month and year to all our fathers.
Check challenge entries herehttps://discord.gg/ZWpsvej
Always positive
Here's my entry https://steemit.com/steemschools/@kemikay/selfie-with-father-day2
Very nice
Hi this is my post! :)
Nice of you
siiiiii... lo mejor nosotros los que somos padres...
nice work
puedo empezar hoy y publicar desde el dia uno?
Nice support