Hi @zulfiqarali. I applaud your first effort to post on your new #steemit blog! I up-voted it and followed you.
I have some constructive feedback to share with you that I hope you will only take positively because I'm trying to help you to get a good start with your steemit blogging and your efforts to promote #compumatrix.
I am suggesting that you try again because the content you posted is in violation of the Terms of Steemit and any other Blog online. It is NOT OK to simply copy and paste other content and claim it as your own. That is plagiarism and technically speaking that is illegal. However, you can quote someone else's content, but you have to give them credit by listing them as the source. You can easily fix this post by using the "edit" link, which you will find just under your post, to the left of the Facebook and LinkedIn icons.
BTW, the info that you posted is actually seriously out of date, so you really should update it with current information about #compumatrix.
You should find these links to be helpful. I know they help me!
https://steemit.com/welcome https://steemit.com/welcome#Creating_Posts
I just started posting on #steemit last week and I still have much to learn too! Let's learn together and help to put #compumatrix in front of the masses.