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RE: Natural light photography isn't so bad - Who knew!!

in #bescouted7 years ago

That is a fantastic photo Dave! You nailed it. Great editing too.

I find I'm 50/50. Sometimes natural light is more convenient (no need to lug stuff around and set it up) and you can fire off more shots within a given amount of time. That being said, you're at the mercy of mother nature and what's around you - sometimes you gotta be resourceful. I like finding places where light is blocked off on certain sides like in a tunnel under brush. Sometimes it can be flat though on an overcast day or blown out on a sunny day.

Strobes are great for not caring about the weather or the time of day. And you can of course get the "studio" look. And freeze action (good for photos of moving subjects like pets or kids). I try to use strobes sometimes to simulate window light - so kinda a mix of the two.

I love how photography is sometimes about stepping outside your comfort zone! It's how we grow in the trade! Thanks for sharing your story with this too. I liked reading it.


I couldn't agree more! It's definitely good to push ourselves to shoot outside our comfort zone more often. I'll hopefully be doing it more with another little project I'm working on for later in the year. Glad you enjoyed reading the post.

Wise words!