
Hi Dave, since you are quite new here you will not have much to delegate, so it's just better for you to save it up by posting your amazing content on BeScouted

You can always buy Steem on any of the currency exchanges like and increase your Steem Power through a process called Powering Up if it is something you would want to do at some point.

The best shot for you would be to keep sharing your content on BeScouted as those popularity points you are receiving when you image gets promoted/upvoted there will be converted to BeScouted SMT at some ratio at some point in the future.

Since you have nearly 1 thousand popularity points on BeScouted for being a valuable community member and contributor for a while, this will make for a quite substantial amount of BS SMT when we do one. So keep posting.

In case you are curious how delegation works i have made a post about it earlier.

Thanks David I will definitely keep posting on bescouted, its a great site and full of talented people.