Mysterious Facts about Bermuda Triangle

in #bermudatriangle6 years ago (edited)

We’re all heard about Bermuda triangle and thousands of people who have supposedly disappeared while travelling through It.
However, there are still so many other mystries surrounding this area though you ll never see it written on map, here are some surprising facts that you didn’t know about Bermuda triangle.


Ready to have your mind blown?
The bermuda trianlge isn’t actullay a triangle !
But it’s right there in a name, isn’t it?
Well, even though many consider the points between Miami, Florida, San Jaun, Puerto Rico, and the island of Bermuda to be the three anchors, the Bermuda triangle has no official boundary. Infact, many of the strange occurrences that take place in the center of the triangle, have also been reported around what many consider to be the perimeter of it.
Additionally, the Bermuda triangle isn’t recognised as a real place which is why it isn’t found on any official world map or in an atlas. Even the unites states navy declares it nothing more than a open ocean with unusually strong currents.
Basically, there is no magical line that once crossed condemns the explorer to unfathomable terror. That’s only in books and movies. Truthfully the entire region is prone to unpredictable and intense weather patterns, whch extends beyond the invisible borders of the triangle as we mentioned earlier. This cause severe sea storms and even Hurricanes. Some of these stroms are so wild, that they could knock planes out of the air.

Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center :

Inside the invisible boundaries of the Bermuda triangle you will find the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center. It belongs to the american government and is located facing the ‘tongue of the ocean’ on Andros island in the Bahamas. The ‘tongue of the ocean’ refers a deep oceanic trench in the Bahamas. Which separates the islands of new providence and Andros.
It is the labarotory used by the navy to test submarines, sonar and even weapons. Using a deep ocean basin Apporx. 15 Nautical miles worldwide, 100 nautical miles long and more than 6000 feet deep they are able to test all kinds of things, leading some people to wonder what else they could be doing there.
A/c to their website , they have three sophisticated test ranges. They use these ranges to test and evaluate underwater research benefiting the united states naval services. Autec uses a deep water range for weapons testing and can track 63 In- Water objects simultaneoulsy. They also have in air tracking capabilities, which allow them to test various systems and ranged weapons. They even have a similar range for In- water tracking, which allows them to experiment with various forms of underwater systems.

Methane Gas :

When we think about Methane, our first thought is usually Cows. However, there are also large amount of Methane gas trapped thousands of feet below the ocean floor. When this gas escapes and is released in to a sea, it changes the density of water. It is belived that this phenomena could cause the buoyancy levels to shift, allowing ships to sink.
The idea first came popularity in 1998, When Dr. Ben Clennell of Leeds University in England delievered a lecture on the subject.
He Theorised that the Methane breaching the surface of the water could even erupt and ignite passing planes. Flaming Methane could also explain some of the UFO sighting in the area, since they are often described as lights in the sky. While they are definitely some strong believers of this theory, there are others that feel it’s unlikely.
In 2014, it was argued that the largest reserves of Methane gas trapped beneath the seafloor are found quite far away from the Bermuda triangle. In addition to that, the Methane would also need to pass thousands of feet of sediments below the ocean floor, then a thousand feet of water befor reaching the surface. By then, it likely wouldn’t cause much damage.

IT’s Huge:

Looking at its location on a map, you don’t really get quite how large the Bermuda triangle really is. It covers an area of roughly 500,000 to 1,510,000 square miles! That’s larger than Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma combined at the low end of the scale. No wonder so many people get lost in there!
Since there are no set boundaries, the actual area of the triangle has been subject to debate for years. It’s also incredibly deep and contains a variety of Topography. For one stretch, there may be gently sloping underwater mountains. In another stretch it could suddenly drop into a seemingly bottomless ravine.Many people belive that these deep craters may be the reason why it’s so difficult to track the Wreckage of ships and planes.
In addition to the underwater landscapes, there are also incredibly strong currents beneath the waves. One of those currents is the GULF STREAM, which moves quickly and is incredibly powerful. If a plane needed to make an emergency water landing or if a ship was having engine troubles, It’s possible that this major surface current could carry them away from their last reported position very quickly, making them harder to track.

Before we travel back to Dry land, did you figure out who first person to feel the effects of the Triangle?
If you guessed Christopher Columbus, You’re Right!
In 1492, It is said that his compass started to fail while traversing the Bermuda triangle, panicking the crew. Thankfully they made it again though and continued their voyage.
Surprising isn’t it?
Comment your views on this article if there is any room for improvement in my article writing please do le me know.

Thanks for Reading.


You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Infact, many of the strange occurances that take place in the center of the triangle, have also been reported around what many consider to be the permeter of it.
It should be occurrences instead of occurances.

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