Ben Swann just covered the FDA's disinfo campaign on kratom like a boss!

in #benswann7 years ago (edited)

As a person who needs neck, back, and a double knee surgery, I can tell you with all honesty that the opiate crisis is something other than what they are portraying it to be. I walked away from the pain clinic Dr's after finding kratom and haven't looked back. I wasn't allowed enough meds to make me feel noticeably better in the first place, and feared even mentioning this to the Dr because of the fear of being labelled a "seeker". This is all part of a well planned psyop when you look at it through the eyes I've been forced to wear.
So I found kratom, did tons of research, tried it via a reputable vendor, and it actually helped me more than their drugs. It was literally an answer to a very specific prayer I made in desperation one day. You can only suffer so much, you know? For the better part of a year I've been supplementing with kratom. I've experienced the media attempting to spread disinfo, several warnings from multiple agencies, you name it. Jerking people's emotions all over the place. I am thrilled and given hope by Ben's thorough and insightful coverage of this!
Please watch and share!
Thank you!