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RE: Reality Check: Would Trump's New CIA Director Reinstate Torture Program?

in #benswann7 years ago

Humanity established at the Nürnberg tribunals that a illegal order doesn't have to be followed. The person who follows such illegal orders is legally responsible for their actions. Nobody can hide behind orders anymore. You are not robots. You are human, use your own brain.


Yes, but if I recall it wasn't illegal at the time. Old GWB made it legal, so she wasn't breaking any laws in the USA anyway. As for now and hopefully always we won't have any legislation on morality, but I would take some on integrity though.

In WW2 it was probably legal because the legal precedent had not been created before. But there is no way a US President can legally torture anybody, even if it was Bin Ladin himself on the waterboard. Now mind you I sure as hell don't give a damn about them Islamterrorists, my issue is we Westerners must stand for something, we must have a moral honour code. We cannot become like the people the West is fighting. 911 could have been prevented anyways if the US intelligence didn't play games with people (some hijackers) they identified one year before 911 as and I quote "enemies of the United States". Cia wanted to recruit them instead of telling the FBI they are in the USA, that foolishness would have a high price in the end.
We have lots of morality laws eg the drug laws are based mostly on morality. Laws banning prostitution are text book morality laws. Some laws regulating language are in some ways morality laws.
I personally would prefer less unessesary laws but at the same time welcome laws if and when necessary. Everybody has their own idea of where the line is to be drawn.

You forget how much power the patriot act gave the White House. The whole bill was designed to take away your rights. You also may not be aware that the Defense Authorization Act gave the president the power to call you a terrorist, not have to prove it to anyone and then detain you or kill you. Go watch the little video I posted call "Attorney General Eric Holder Defend Legality of Targeted Killing of US Citizens"

Legal or illegal have no bearing on character. If this bitch "was just following orders, mein fuhrer," she has established herself as a piece of shit, severely lacking in morals, ethics and virtues. Trump promised to drain the swamp. Anyone who has engaged in torture, legal or not, is a vile fucking swamp creature who has no place in so called civil service.

We weren't discussing ethics, morality or virtues. We were discussing (Or at least I was) the legality of what happened. I personally don't believe such things have a place in civilized society. I am sure we have reached a point in technology that chemicals and advanced form of lie detection equipment would have gotten them better results.