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RE: Reality Check: The True Meaning of the Second Amendment

in #benswann7 years ago

England is in a bad position. I sincerely worry about its future. I pray and hope Conservatives and freedom loving citizens of great Britain conjure up the courage to stand up against the tyranny of these unelected EU bullies. It's not going to be pretty either way because they have their EU army at the ready. Britain's hope for freedom will come from their Military or those who understand that they have to fight back.


Oh your not wrong about the problems we face. The future is looking so bleak for my country, I don't believe I will still be living here in five years time. British politics is very different to Americas but it's just as screwed up.

Well, to be honest, I think the UK is in a much worse position.

The conservatives (Tories) in the UK are a bunch of militant capitalists who have a long history of looking after the wealthy, removing freedoms and privacy. Our Prime Minister, Theresa May, voted to keep us in the EU but now she is in charge of BREXIT. (However, this EU business is distracting everyone from the real domestic issues.)

She is using the break away from Europe as an opportunity to introduce a portfolio of oppressive laws and legislation that will change this country and not in a good way.

Sadly, most British people are politically unaware and wouldn't know a revolution if it smacked them in the face. The British public just haven't got it in them so there is zero chance of an uprising against this capitalist cabal that control government.

Personally speaking, I don't even think the British public would rise up if they still had access to guns.

I don't have any hope left for my country. :-(

There's still a lot of good people though, may be things have to get worse before they get better; perhaps its the only way to wake people up. I'm not quitting on England just yet, I believe there's still hope.