in #benjamin7 years ago

Many years ago in a far away country, in the palace of a great King were gathered dignitaries for the marriage ceremony of the King Son. pro to the ceremony while other activities were going on, the Son complained to the father of his lack of affection for the bride since she is not the woman of his choice. while the father was busy attending to his guest, the Son stormed out of the palace and it was told to the father who is the king and he immediately went after his Son. while he was having a heart to heart discussion with his Son as they walked on the garden, the King servant came to call him that the people are waiting and his attention is needed, with a loud voice the king answered- i am discussing with my Son and every other thing can wait because my Son`s happiness is more important to me than any other thing. I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT YOUR HAPPINESS IS IMPORTANT TO GOD AND HE WILL PUT OTHER THINGS ON HOLD TO ATTEND TO YOU.