Potential Future Instagram

in #belacoin7 years ago

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to share about a potential picture sharing platform similar to Instagram, but based on cryptocurrencies. It's called belacam, website url is : http://www.belacam.com/

The concept is similar to steemit as well, but applied to different field. Basically, you can get belacoins from the pictures you uploaded. The more likes your pictures get, the more belacoins you can earn. Belacoin is a the currency used by belacam, and it's already on Poloniex.

Apparently, belacoin will have big news announcement tomorrow on 15 May 2017, so you can check it out soon!
Belacoin twitter : https://twitter.com/belacoin


Personally, I believe Belacoin price will grow once the announcement is released, so you can give it a try!