Can you find the queen?

in #bees8 years ago

Can you find the queen? This is an easy one - she is a pretty golden color with no stripes.

She came from one of my hives that swarmed in May. When the swarm leaves there are usually several new queens ready to hatch. I pulled out some of the queen cells and moved them into their own hives. This queen has already mated and is starting to lay at a pretty good rate.



I found her!! Eeeep! I'm rather proud. Hahah Keep posting these?? Soon I will have my own hive. Hahah I keep saying that, and keep not being able to do it. But SOON I WILL HAVE ONE. So I need the practice!

Ok. I think I have a harder one.

down 3" over 3" her wings also smaller for her body size

Maybe that was too easy. The hard ones are wall to wall bees with a bunch of drones mixed in and a dark queen. I don't think I have any dark queens any more.