#BeerSaturday - Passionfruit and Mango Oh My!

in #beersaturday8 months ago


370 consistent weeks in #beersaturday and my liver is either made of steel or about toe give up the ghost! CHEERS TO THAT! As we all know, being The Blockchain Beerologist definitely has its perks, including but not limited to getting paid to tour breweries and sample new beers! When I am not globetrotting or brewing my own beer, my fridge looks like a colorful mosaic of regional craft beer I enjoy sharing with the #beersaturday alliance of #beer bloggers on #hive.

This week, I find a couple newer beers with fruit puree added to them to celebrate a wonderful warm summer season.



The PotW is a popular jam because it is usually a beer enjoyed on the town or otherwise in a social or business setting that we don't get to visit all the time. This week, I am attending a celebration as a representative of small town local marketing warriors Town Crier Marketing (<=== Those backlinks from Hive really add up over time!)


The pint is the core IPA from Black Swan Brewing right in my home town enjoyed while helping local radio station celebrate 100 years in local broadcasting. Cheers CJCS!


Crowd Surf

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It seems logical that I get the most response when I feature beers from Flying Monkeys Craft Brewery It is probably because of the colourful and chaotic can designs, or the wild beer styles and names of each that makes it that eye-catching and hopefully entertaining. For me, they were among the IPA pioneers in this region and I really enjoy how progressive & experimental they are.

IMG_2358 (1).JPG

As for Crowd Surf Motel Passionfruit IPA is a mouthful to say and taste. This is most likely due to the use of 3 malts (2-Row, Pale Ale Malt, Oat Malt) with boil hops Idaho 7, Mosaic, Citra, & Ekuanot AND Dry-Hop additions of Ekuanot Cryo-hops, Citra, Mosaic, & Nelson Sauvin. When you top that off with Passion Fruit Purée, you cover sweet, tart, bold and dry all wrapped into a strong 7% ABV punch. Not sure where the Motel comes into this beer and I would only have one of these in a session but another wild beer!

So, as ridiculous as the labels, names and styles of beer coming out of Flying Monkeys, I assure you they are aptly branded!


Mango Tango!


Brock St. Brewing Company doesn't make it onto this coveted blog that much because there are so many damn good craft breweries in the region, and the stores do a good job of bringing in a fantastic selection. they are located in a suburb of the big city I rarely visit at less than 100 KM/hour as I am driving through. Seeing as they are claiming to be on "The most refreshing street in Canada," I may just have to stop in at some point and judge for myself!


What grabbed my attention with Mango Tango Hazy IPA was definitely the bold, striped capital IPA on the label. You had me at IPA. It is a bit lighter than many of the IPAs I enjoy and also boasts a fruit puree, this time in the form of mango. Purists would steer clear of this due to the extra additions that should not be in beer (wheat and fruit) but I am okay with them when they are done subtly. This one is not so subtle as it is fruity and juicy but definitely not overdone. Fairly hazy, definitely tasty and good and refreshing especially in the hot summer.




Here is to dinner in the morning!

Join me, @detlev , and the other beerologists because there is always room for more beer bloggers at this week's Beer Saturday gathering... https://hive.blog/hive-187719/@detlev/beersaturday-370

Cheers to our global family of beer drinkers!!




Would you Passion Fruit or Mango?


Interesting appearance and best wishes to you, friend.

Happy Beer Saturday
Thanks for sharing some lovely beers right here

I dig Flying Monkey design. Just with the name alone I would love to try their stuff.

Greetings @zekepickleman ,

Really appreciate these reviews...so much energy in this post. ^__^

No fruit for Bleujay please....the Black Swan looks interesting...the design is quite intriguing.

Cheers, Bleujay

I love that quote up there "Dinner without beer is breakfast", made me 😆


Dinner without beer is just breakfast

I like the look of all of these, but especially the Crowd Surf one. Funky can art and one I'd like to taste after hearing you describe it.

It seems logical that I get the most response when I feature beers from Flying Monkeys Craft Brewery It is probably because of the colourful and chaotic can designs

colourful and chaotic for sure. If I saw this anywhere in Ireland I'd have to buy it based on can art alone. It goes to show the importance of design.