(Late) Beer Saturday - Paulistânia Caminho das Índias Session IPA

in #beersaturday3 years ago

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Hello, everyone! I'm a little late with this post because I initially wanted to post it through Liketu but for some reason I just can´t get it to work. Anyway, here is my late Beer Saturday post.

I don't know what Saturday means to you, but to me, it’s a day to relax after a long week of work, listen to some rock n’ roll, play guitar and, most importantly, enjoy a nice, cold beer!

When it comes to beer, IPA is probably my favourite style, so today, I decided to try the Paulistania “Caminho das Índias” Session IPA. “Caminho das Índias” can be translated to something like “Route to India”, which is, in my opinion, a very fitting name!

I really like the label's artwork and the bottle's overall look of the bottle. I know that taste is really the most important thing, but I take it as a good sign when the company takes the time and effort to design a nice label for their product.

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I noticed it has only 4,2% volume in alcohol which is a bit light in my opinion, but I had some good ones in that range before. It also seems that this beer won a silver medal in the world beer awards. I have no idea whether that is a significant accomplishment, but I guess it can’t be a bad thing.

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On the back label, there is a nice little story about how beer was important during sea expeditions and how famous explorer Pedro Alvares Cabral left on a journey to India but ended up discovering Brazil instead.

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It looks slightly clearer in the glass than your usual IPA but still a nice amber colour. As expected, it’s not as strong as IPAs commonly are, but overall I think it is a good beer!

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