A doff of the hat to you sir!! That's a great beer that Brewdog make, and well done on trying to recreate it!! Looks like you did a hell of a job! The label and saucepan with Steemit logo was a great touch. Well done, great post.. This weeks winner I reckon..
Beautiful pictures. Hobbies can be a blast - and your hobby tastes great too. It really makes me curious to try one of yours. You wouldn't be coming to the San Diego Steemit Mtgs in the near future would you? I can hope. :-)) Really enjoyed it.
Oh, I wish to visit San Diego and the whole US. But unfortunately, it's a hell of a trip for me... Maybe someday ;) I would also send you one if only it would be possible, really - but I checked this and sending food and liquids to the US is impossible :(
Yeah, Trump is probably putting on a tariff to protect us from imported home-brewed beer. Thanks for looking. Anyway, San Diego Steemit will always welcome you if you make it here. Cheers, Dude. :-))
I really like your clean picture style
Thanks! I wasn't sure if this style will be appreciated, but I was looking for something distinctive for my posts and I decided that this will be it.
A doff of the hat to you sir!! That's a great beer that Brewdog make, and well done on trying to recreate it!! Looks like you did a hell of a job! The label and saucepan with Steemit logo was a great touch. Well done, great post.. This weeks winner I reckon..
Thank you very much for your kind words :) Am I going to be a winner, I'm not so sure - there are a lot of great posts within this challenge ;)
Yep, there always are, but you made the beer yourself, and it looks shit hot!! So my money is on you ;o)
I hope you're right :)
Fantastic entry mate. It's awesome to see the number of homebrewers posting about their brews on here these days. :)
I'm very glad to hear that you liked it :) Would you be so kind and address me to some other homebrewers here on Steemit?
Beautiful pictures. Hobbies can be a blast - and your hobby tastes great too. It really makes me curious to try one of yours. You wouldn't be coming to the San Diego Steemit Mtgs in the near future would you? I can hope. :-)) Really enjoyed it.
Oh, I wish to visit San Diego and the whole US. But unfortunately, it's a hell of a trip for me... Maybe someday ;) I would also send you one if only it would be possible, really - but I checked this and sending food and liquids to the US is impossible :(
Yeah, Trump is probably putting on a tariff to protect us from imported home-brewed beer. Thanks for looking. Anyway, San Diego Steemit will always welcome you if you make it here. Cheers, Dude. :-))
Thanks, I will remember that :) Cheers!
Amazing work man! @costopher did something similar waaaaay back! Hope he notices it.
It's an honor to hear words like that from you :) Thank you!