I "heard" @detlev calling for a beer this #BeerSaturday, so here it is!!
First, a toast in Portuguese:
The beer glow is pure gold!!
The most attentive and beer lovers are probably thinking why I'm drinking a beer in a plastic cup.
Aren't you!?
In Portugal, there is a lot of people (like me) who loves to finish the day at the esplanade for a drink (beer if you're in the mood for alcohol). Usually, when it starts to get crowded they start to serve beer in plastic cups.
Because we drink a lot...and to avoid a trail of broken glass!!
In a regular esplanade we can order a bottle of beer or the pression beer - imperial is the portuguese word for it!
Imperial is the most popular drink in Portugal, along with wine, and it was what I had today in the afternoon.
As living in Alentejo region, the brand of the beer is Sagres
, the favorite portuguese beer brand of @jsantana!
The cup isn't big so the beer doesn't loose its bubbles. Even so, it's better to drink it fast!!

Ow que legal a menção a mim :) Obrigado Lili! Belo post e saúde nessas Sagres. Tome todas aí por mim kkkkk :D Bjo!
Só bebemos uma, foi o suficiente antes de irmos para casa. Sei que gostas desta cerveja porque num dos meus posts anteriores em que partilhei Sagres tu disseste! Agora lembro sempre que o nosso amigo brasileiro é vidrado nesta cerveja :)
Fico feliz por lembrar. Beijão Lili, ótima semana!
Golden beverage of the Gods and friends - the best combination :)
Bam, you're right!!
By the way, I like your name "Arbutus"!
Alentejo e sagres, uma combinação mágica 😋🍻
Eu cá diria, SuperBock e alentejo uma combinação rara e mágica! Cada um torce pela sua, mas brindamos todos!
Só esta a faltar o caracol (mas já não estamos na época dele) ou uns tremoços, mas como estas pelo Alentejo talvez o melhor para acompanhar será uns enchidos ou um bom presunto.
Ficava-me pelos tremoços ou um pica-pau, mas se fosse por esse caminho já não ía jantar a casa e provavelemente não teria chegado muito cedo ;) Combinação perfeita!
Thanks for the insights into why the pastic cups. In the Netherlands - where I'm from and living - the early adopters are changing soft plastic cups for hard plastic cups. The reason is environment. We try to reduce the plastic waste, and hard cups are save for people when at an event, festival or something where glass maybe to dangerous. Are you seeing hard cups in Portugal as well?
I've seen hard cups here too, and also aluminum cups that can be re-used, but only in alternative and environmentally friendly events. It's not the regular business (at least not yet). You focused on very important point, I didn't mention on purpose this time because it would be a different perspective and much more things to say about plastic garbage.
Yeh indeed, a lot to say about plastic waste indeed. Beginning this year we have a new rule in NL, no shop is allowed to give plastic bags anymore, but require to charge 25ct for it. Immediate effect was a lot of people now carrying their own more sustainable bags. Hardcups, it'll take a bit of time before it becomes mainstream. In Amsterdam they want all events to be CO2 neutral by 2020; That will be a big push towards reduction of waste.
That rule is been applied in Portugal too...since the beginning of 2015. It worked pretty well indeed, almost from night to day everyone started carrying their own bags to supermarkets. I'm curious to see what/ when the change in plastic cups will start.
Saúde @lilian.duarte mando um salve de Campinas/SP.
"Salve " é o que se diz em São Paulo no brinde!?
When I first saw your beer bottles I was like "why it is so tiny? Where is the regular size". If you go to pub in Poland you will get 0,5l glass and deal with it :p All Polish beer brands also sell in 0.5l bottles and cans.
I find those tiny bottles here so cute :D
I love our beer size 0,20 or 0,33 cl if I want some more. I prefer to order 2 of those than one of 0,5l. I can't drink much fast! ;)
I like the smaller sizes too... 0.33 more that 0.20 (that is just a sample size). It is just something you will not get in PL.
Bebe isso rapariga....Mas cá para mim prefiro Nortada
Ahah, foi onde vim parar. Coisas da vida :)
Your beer looks great this is my first time entering the photo contest I just posted this as my entry https://steemit.com/beersaturday/@isteemithard/beersaturday-beer-and-beach-two-things-i-enjoy