🍺 - The #BeerSaturday winners from week 152 with 14 HIVE & 16 BEER & 2 VOTES

in #beersaturday5 years ago (edited)

Winners of BeerSaturday challenge on HIVE.png

Yes, since 152 weeks and we have more cool'n'beery WINNERS 🍺

Here we go with the winners for week 152 of the damn thirsty #BeerSaturday challenge

This week 152 we had 14 - FOURTEEN posts for the challenge and this is the biggest amount since week 113 or so. Means - the BEER is kicking

Even better, in week 154 and 155 you can win a brewery.
Stay tuned for more information and even way more fun.

Please spend a Re-HIVE to promote the challenge to all Hivians!

Everybody who join our weekly challenge is a winner as this means fun and a worldwide community of friends and beer lovers.

Keep in mind next week 153
we have 14 HIVE and
16 BEER and

in the prize pool!
some valuable VOTES from @ocd


Every Tuesday
you may join this challenge
with YOUR cool post about beer.

but check our simple rules if you want to win and feel free to support the challenge

Made by @detlev while waiting for a flight at the Airport SXF in Berlin

14 posts from active Hivians this week

As you see as comments to the weekly #BeerSaturday post we had again some interesting stories about the beloved topic of beer

The Hivians @rollie1212 @muelli @rynow @sagesigma @harveyword @cryptictruth @seckorama @ynwa.andree @zekepickleman @lordvdr @johnspalding @recording-box @mdosev @exator did some good jobs with their beer posts.



The winners of the prizes are this week. This was to easy - let's have some more people join the fun challenge.

We are happy to announce that the total prize pool has changed to a total of 14 HIVE for 3 prizes




Write a damn good post, add tons of pictures, show us your love into BEER and you may get a nice extra vote from @ocd for your work and the time you invested.

You might get a vote from ocd to another post as the 7 days window is gone

All prizes drawn by our Jury
Celebrate and party and make sure you take a few pictures of the beer you have to use this for next week - as there is alway a new week and a new #BeerSaturday

(C) by pixabay and modified by @detlev for #beersaturday

Support the challenge

Do you like what we do and you like to see higher the payouts for all the Hivinans. Than we made it easy for you.


Many thanks again to

for YOUR POWERFUL support

Please vote our Sponsors for Witness

This week we love to have you vote for ats-david and pfunk as witness with just a few clicks

Now relax and
join the #BeerSaturday challenge
with YOUR cool post about beer.

@Detlev loves HIVE

More from @Detlev
Get / shop my book by HIVE
JOIN BeerSaturday Challenge


@twinner @ocd @ats-david @pfunk


ALL WINNERS PAID for week 152


1st. winner with 6 HIVE - @muelli 2nd. winner with 5 HIVE - @rollie1212 3rd. winner with 3 HIVE - @cryptictruth


1st. winner with 7 BEER - @ynwa.andree 2nd. winner with 5 BEER - @rynow 3rd. winner with 4 BEER - @recording-box

See you next week with your thirsty & beery post


Thank you very much, I'll go buy new beer right away. 😎🍻

That is exactly the plan

thanks man)
!BEER sitting for another post right on)

BEER Hey @detlev, here is a little bit of from @rollie1212 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Cheers to everyone and congratulations :D Let the Beer flow in !

Wow! Thanks for including me!

I went ahead and voted for our sponsors as witnesses. Hope to give something back and help this community grow. I've seen @twinner has been active in supporting the beer community, thank you for being an awesome sponsor.

Dankeschön! JUHU!
Der Vorrat zuhause wird dann mal wieder aufgefüllt.

Congratulations to the winners!

Hallo Detlev,

warum gibt es kein Beer Token auf der steemengine und wo sind meine Beertoken in der Steemengine geblieben????

Bitte um Aufklärung!


Hi lieber @indextrader24,

Die BEERe sind ALLE, jeder Tropfen, hier auf der HIVE-Engine in Deiner Wallet.

Wir sind vor 2 Wochen dann final umgezogen

Dazu gab es diverse Ankündigungen und Posts vom @beerlover.

Hallo Detlev,

vielen Dank für die Rückmeldung. Mustet ihr für den Umzug wieder alles neue in BEE bezahlen - oder konntet ihr Euren Token ohne neuen Kapitaleinsatz von der steemengine einfach auf die Hiveengine rüberziehen?

Falls letzteres der Fall war, wie habt ihr dies in der Praxis umgesetzt?

Beste Grüße.

Es gab da eine Frist von Hive-Engine bis zu der ein Token umziehen konnte und alle kosten erstattet worden.

Wende Dich einfach an das Team von HE

Danke für die Info!

Habe inzwischen den LOVE Token bei HIVE für 100 HIVE wieder bestellt...

Ob die mir die Kosten erstatten? Werde mal nachfragen, wenn es überhaupt geht...

Danke auf jeden Fall und einen schönen Restvatertag noch und Gruß nach AC aus Düsseldorf

Yooo, bis dahin werden wir es mit dem Bollerwagen nicht schaffen, denn an der Stadtgrenze ist der "Bölkstoff" sicher schon leer.