Ok this post is Long, with many infos - multiply calculations - Beer 🍺- picture of sponsors and notes - Beer 🍻- a lottery and thanks - and Beer 🍺 - an cryptocoin called Beer? and presentation of the team - and even more Beer 😂🍺 i can’t get it all.
This post is like An evening on a parish fair (Kirmes) or a big delicious Buffet. Genau mein Ding :-) whatever lets have some fun and PROST 🍻 to another for the next 52 weeks !
Hey @avizor, you should do a beer review or post... It's great fun, I tried it 4 months ago for the fun, and haven't missed a week since! :o)
Hey hey hey.
Yep I have done a post and little review few days ago :-) check out my blog If you like.
..... i will try to do some more! Tomorrow I do a special. Our liquor store is giving beer for free. I try to make a post then.
Cool, just checked out your review, looks a good beer, and Germany has 7843 different beer!!! That's nuts..
Yep many sorts...
I thought about to try them all in a long lasting challenge. :-)
But even if i would drink 3 everyday, it would last 7 years for all of them.. so no way :-D
That'd be quite the challenge alright!! :o)
Free beer!? Is this a EU thing? Something we need to import here. Never seen the bottle in the box thing tho. Very interesting. Cool.
Yep it was really free. :-)
A beer bottle in a box , and a good one, was also new for me. It tasted very good. I wrote today a review about the beer. Check it out it you like :-) 🍺✌️
Hey, @avizor
"Freibier ist immer gut!" but make sure you add your post as a direct comment to my weekly post as the #BeerSaturday calcolation bot would not see the post and miss it.
Hey @detlev :-) yep I do. This here was not my official entry. Just few words two day ago, about your cool contest.
My entry is further down, today. I Hope the bot will see it :-) ✌️🍺