Beer of the Day - Eds Amber Ale

in #beeroftheday7 years ago

Eds Amber Ale

We were really surprised with the flavor profile of this beer. Being big fans of American-Style AmberRed Ale's this beer easily makes it to our top 10 list. If you ever have the chance, order this drink! You won't regret it.

North American Origin AlesAmerican-Style AmberRed Ale5.815

Our Thoughts

Today we have "Eds Amber Ale" which is a American-Style AmberRed Ale that could be compared to a Average Scottish Ale. Rated at 5.8 ABV's this beer has a little bit of kick. This is a beer for those who are tired of light lagers and want something with a little bit of a kick. You will still find a nice crisp taste but a higher IBU profile makes for a great drink.

American-Style AmberRed Ale

American amberred ales range from light copper to light brown in color. They are characterized by American-variety hops used to produce the perception of medium hop bitterness, flavor, and medium aroma. Amber ales have medium-high to high maltiness with medium to low caramel character. They should have medium to medium-high body. The style may have low levels of fruityester flavor and aroma. Diacetyl can be either absent or barely perceived at very low levels. Chill haze is allowable at cold temperatures. Slight yeast haze is acceptable for bottle-conditioned products.

What does ABV/IBU mean?

ABV stands for Alcohol By Volume and is listed as a percentage and lets you know how much of your beer is alcohol and how much is other stuff.

stands for International Bitterness Units measures the bitterness from hops in a beer on a scale of 0 to 100.

Beer Fact of the Day

Beer is stored in darker bottles as exposure to light will spoil the brew. In South Africa, green bottles are associated with premium beers, while in fact, these beers are prone to get light struck. Brown bottles are better for beer.

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very Good the post

I'm glad to hear from you welfer12.
Glad you commented. Have an upvote on the house!