How I will be rating beers

in #beer8 years ago

So i'm sitting here and was about to write my first beer review but thought that before I did I would tell you how I will be rating them. In my opinion I feel the number system on beer is useless, someones discription of the beer and its flavor and aroma is way more useful. So I will be giving my opinion on the apperance, the nose, the mouth feel and flavor of each beer. However I do know that a lot of people like a number system for beer as well so I will have a 1-5 rating for each beer and here is what those numbers mean:
1- Hated it and will never drink again.
2- I'll drink it if it's the only beer around.
3- I enjoyed the beer but probably won't buy it again.
4- Great balanced beer and would always be a go to beer if i'm looking for a beer to satify my palate.
5- I will wait in line, travel the world, and spend all the money I have to get this beer.
So thats how my number system works. Thank you for reading and my first beer review will be coming soon.


Makes sense - back in the day when I wrote a blog about beer, I had a rating system based on glass sizes - Butchers, pot, schooner, pint, jug. But I realised in the more global world of Steemit, these very Australian specific references made no sense to anyone. I now don't use a specificed rating system, more of just a general statement of 'yeah would go look for this again.'

Yeah I think the general statements are more informative. Because in the future if people don't read this post in the future they will have no idea what a number 4 means to me.