Hey Friend!
I've been earning small amounts of BEER here and there by playing a few crypto-games and speaking here. I've come to see BEER as one of the more interesting projects on the playform.
I was wondering if you could let me know some decent ways to earn BEER so I can then stake it to start producing. Thanks for the knowledge!
Sure, there are many
a. have a look to the #BeerSaturday, where we have 16 BEER each week in the prize pool
b. build a brewery within the #dcity game and earn BEER
c. There is BEER within the #cryptobrewmaster game
d. There is BEER in some more games
Get some more BEER from the market https://hive-engine.com/?p=market&t=BEER or if you like to have a bigger stake - ask me for a special deal or a supporter role or ....