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RE: The Lord of the Beer#42 Cookie Beer

in #beer8 years ago

Omg. My gf would loooove this one! Nice catch! Hey, anyway to get in touch with you? I'm buzzbeergeek in chat and discord...


I never went to the discord but it could be nice to talk a little to each other :D

Ratebeer doesn't seem to like it very much. But I totally disagree on this. I liked it as well. I would say it's at least a 3.8 / 5. But I do think the taste can depend with the age of the bottle. This is one you don't want to keep in the basement for years because the sugar will probably start to dominate everything over time... That could explain some of the reactions. Better check the bottle first before you drink.

Ratebeer link:

By the way, wouldn't mind having a chat as well with some other beer fans. :-)

Jesu... That score creeps me out :D Chat on @detlev's contest post, maybe form a group with beer gang. There are beer and steempub channels in chat.