Five Unknown Facts About Cigarette

in #beauty7 years ago


*More than 5.8 trillion cigarettes were consumed in 2014

Cigarette kills 6 million people a year, tobacco use is still growing, according to the new edition of the Tobacco Atlas, a report by the American Cancer Society and the World Lung Foundation. People have smoked less and less in recent decades in Europe and the Americas, but the improvement has been offset by the growth in consumption in China.

*Tobacco kills at least half of its users

Lung cancer kills more than one million smokers each year. But it's just one of many tobacco-related diseases that can kill. Stroke, heart attack, bronchitis and emphysema also enter this list. And even if a smoker does not have a disease caused by tobacco, smoking reduces the chances of surviving other ills.


*Millionaire image

In the United States, the tobacco industry has more than 150 lobbyists in Washington at an annual cost of more than $ 26 million, and businesses donate millions to charities to improve their image. American brands also spend $ 900,000 an hour on advertising.

*Exploring new markets

As people in developed countries are increasingly aware of the risks of smoking, the tobacco industry has invested in attracting audiences in developing countries. Faced with less stringent regulations, marketing tools fuel the perception that smoking is an elegant habit in these places.


*Regulations and campaigns are working

Regulation and campaigns reduce smoking. Tax increases, for example, increase the chances that smokers will quit. Other efforts, such as banning smoking in public places and restrictions on advertising are also successful. In New York, where these practices were adopted, the prevalence of smoking decreased by one-third.

*The Tip for all, Smoking is NOT good.


Hey dude. There is no one who does not know 'Smoking is NOT good' among the smokers. It's not a 'tip'. When we say 'tip', its gotta help somebody(or most) to get something good but they have not been yet known.
BTW I didnt mean to be mean to you. ;)

It was a small misspelling