hehe It takes quite a bit of bleaching, but I only do one process of bleach, and nowadays it's not everywhere, what was bleached once doesn't need to be done again. Unless you're trying to go blonde. If you want to put colour in your hair, the best it to try one mesh to see what ti does. Chances are you'll need a bit of bleaching. You can look at your skin tone and observe which colours of clothes you look good in, which colours your skin, eyes, and hair look good next to. That gives you an idea of the best colours to put in your hair.
hehe It takes quite a bit of bleaching, but I only do one process of bleach, and nowadays it's not everywhere, what was bleached once doesn't need to be done again. Unless you're trying to go blonde. If you want to put colour in your hair, the best it to try one mesh to see what ti does. Chances are you'll need a bit of bleaching. You can look at your skin tone and observe which colours of clothes you look good in, which colours your skin, eyes, and hair look good next to. That gives you an idea of the best colours to put in your hair.