Refreshing My Hair - Renewing Green and Being a bit Blue and Violet

in #beauty7 years ago

Let me share with you my process of how I paint a canvas, I mean colour my hair :p I've been Green for over five years and I've been adding more and more. Now I like to vary with some Violet and Blue. I already planned what I'm going to do next time too, which is have more of the Blue and have it be like a wave.

But back to what I did this time! I like to wait until my hair has faded a lot, so much that the green part looks like grass at the end of Winter, when it's all yellowish and has strange discoloured hues of not-quite-green.

I have to part my hair in such a way that what will be one colour doesn't touch what I'm starting with, since I tend to separate some of my colours like that. Sometimes, doing this creates some interesting hair dos, if that's how you can qualify it.


Then I colour, bottom and back first, which happens to be Violet. I start with that and make sure to wash my hands several times before moving on to the Blue. As you can see, my hands get stained quite drastically.


The colours I use are from Jerome Roussel's Punky Colour: Apple Green, Alpine Green, Altantic Blue and Violet.

When I do the green, sometimes I mix the two green up a bit, not in any container, but just go from one to the other putting the colour at various places to create nuances in my hair. I know that since the bleach intensity varied when I did it, that creates nuances too. Also, I don't put the colour always in the same place. What was once green could now be blue or vice versa, so that creates a variety of hues in my hair that I like to have and doesn't take that much more work on my part.

This time, I put the Alpine Green in first, a bit everywhere mostly near the ends.


Now, when I'm putting the colour in, I don't want the hair dye to dry up, so I use tin foil. Hence I become a Tin Foil Tentacles Creature.


Okay, I'm sure some of you are awaiting the result and perhaps some of you have scrolled down just to see the final result. So here is what I did this time, what it looks like now. The Violet comes out a bit more blueish in photos for some reason, but to the naked eye it is quite vibrant. Right now, these colours are fresh, in about a month, they'll be more pastel versions of these, which I also like, it creates a nice variety of tones from these same colours without having to recolour my hair. The colours stays nice for about two months before starting to look a bit faded, but even faded and pale, I like it. It's in the 4th or 5th month that it starts to look like dead grass, and that depends on how long I had the colour sit in my hair. This time I did it for a bit over an hour, so I should be good for maybe 5 or 6 months, I'll see. If after 30 minutes of "sitting" time, I need to refresh after 3 or 4 months, and when I did my roots and fell asleep for 2 hours and the colour is still good after 3 or 4 months, then 1 hour should give me up to 6 months of not having to worry about my colour. Not that I worry about it to begin with, but you catch my drift.




So, in February or March, I'll have a new colour do with my favourite colours to show off. By the way, in case you wanted to check out the colours I use, here are the links to them. Thanks.

Apple Green: Alpine Green: / Atlantic Blue: / Violet: /



What a great post love the I wish I could pull off that color :)

hehe It takes quite a bit of bleaching, but I only do one process of bleach, and nowadays it's not everywhere, what was bleached once doesn't need to be done again. Unless you're trying to go blonde. If you want to put colour in your hair, the best it to try one mesh to see what ti does. Chances are you'll need a bit of bleaching. You can look at your skin tone and observe which colours of clothes you look good in, which colours your skin, eyes, and hair look good next to. That gives you an idea of the best colours to put in your hair.

Referred over here by OCD .. This is really a fun post!!!! Your pictures are awesome .. love how you are getting the dye all over yourself .. have fun girl .. you can rock this color!!!! SUNSHINE247

Thanks! Oh yeah, I used to try to be careful about the dye, but now, heck, it's much quicker and efficient if I'm not too careful. I wash it all off afterwards anyway. My arms always get full of dye and my hands look like alien hands ;) I just have fun with it.

This process is complicated for me :)) I like your creativity

hehe thanks. Yeah, colouring my hair can be very elaborate. It was a lot simpler when I only put the same green everywhere.

That means you have to color with more colors :))

Yup! But I like doing it, it's fun. I can change up where I put which colours, which creates variety.

I can not wait to see how you do this: D

great post :) thanks for sharing your secrets ;)

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