At night it was raining with snow. In the morning the frost turned this porridge into ice. It's very difficult to walk down the street, so I did not go anywhere. All Sunday I was engaged in household chores.
Today I cooked chicken drumsticks.
They are cooked very simply: I washed them, rubbed them with spices and salt. Then I smeared them with mayonnaise. I put it in the microwave for 7 minutes. Then I turned them over and put it in microwave for another 7 minutes.
Ах, как вкусно!
Ага, у меня Женька их теперь сам делает. Сложного ничего нет.
Cannot complain cannot go out when there is chicken drumsticks
Yes, you can not spoil the chicken. Only if your hands are not suitable for the kitchen.
I agree)