Has Anyone Been To The Rec Room??

in #beautifulsunday8 months ago

The wife and I have been there a hand full of times, we even went there the same day we got married, we haven't been there for a few years, so I think it's time to go again, don't you think so?
So we drove down to the big city, to go to the place with a endless array of video games, arcade games and other fun activities. I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building up inside me, I could see the anticipation in my wife's eyes as we finally arrived at our destination that took us over an hour to drive there.
The Rec Room stood tall and inviting as we parked our car in the huge parking lot.

As we entered the building, I was immediately stuck by the escalators, we only see these things when we go to the big city.

The had rad art on the side of the wall going up!!

It was like stepping into a different world, filled with the sounds of laughter and excitement.
We made our way to the prize area, that's were you can pay for tokens. They had all kinds of neat prizes there.

We bought some tokens and I took a little walk before I started playing, they had a nice view looking outside.

Now let the games begin, what are we going to play first?

There was rows upon rows of video games awaiting us.
I could see the gleam in wife wife's eyes as she spotted her favorite game. She is a huge WWE fan. She got quickly to work, battling it out on the screen, losing herself in the pixels of the game

I decided to go check out the Spin and Win machine and try my luck, I hit a few jackpots there.

We played some bowling, the wife did really good. My first round I shot a superb score, then the next two rounds I blew it.

We also decided to test our skills at skee ball, the wife is normally really good at that one, but today she wasn't on her game.
I played some cornhole, the game with the bean bag, I did amazing there.
And then I shot some basketballs, wow I did horrible, I used to have a great shot, but not anymore.

After that I got sidetracked with playing a baseball game, I did so well, one inning I scored 8 runs, I ended up getting soo many credits.
Both me and the wife ran out of tokens and we decided to save our credits for next time we go and we will get bigger prizes that way.

After that we left and decided to go to the Metro grocery store, back in the day, before covid hit, the Metro used to be open all night, so many times we would do groceries at 2 in the morning there.
So we did our groceries, the wife got lots of goodies. We went to our car, to put our goodies in the truck and I saw something from a distance that caught my eye.
So I told the wife, just wait in the car, I'm going to walk a half a mile and go see what's going on over there.
So off I went, I finally made it there and I saw some van for the Western fair

There was all kinds of children hanging out with a mascot named Happy, they were having lots of fun. I was trying to figure out what was going on there!

Then the children and parents left and it was just the Mascot and another guy. I asked the guy, "what's going on here?' He responded with, "We have a corn hole game set up here, people play against me, if they beat me they get a free coupon from McDonalds, I gotta worn you, I'm a really good Corn Hole player"
And I said, "I will challenge you, I just played some Corn Hole at the Rec Room and I did amazing, let's go!!"

I was feeling confident as I stepped up to the Corn Hole board, ready to take on my opponent. The sun wasn't out, it was very gloomy and dark clouds, I think it was going to rain.
I focused on my aim, trying to block out the distractions around me. I gripped the bean bag tightly in my hand, taking a breath before I tossed it towards the hole,. It sailed through the air, landing on the board, bouncing a few times on the board and landing in the hole with a satisfying thud. I did a victory dance.
My opponent raised an eyebrow, impressed by my shot and he said, oh oh, I might have my work cut out for me. And I responded with" you sure do!!"
I watched as he lined up his own shot, he was furrowed in concentration. The bean bag flew through the air, narrowly missing the hole and landing on the edge of the board.
I grinned, feeling a sense of confidence as I stepped up for my next turn. I tossed the bean bag with precision, watching it sail through the air and landed on the board and right in the hole.
Happy The Mascot was clapping and cheering for my victory.
I had never felt so alive, so exhilarated by a simple game of corn hole. As I held by prize in my hand. I knew that I would cherish this moment of triumph.
Then I got a selfie with Happy!!

Then I went back to my car with a coupon and drove the car in the drive thru to get a coffee for my drive home.

#beautifulsunday is led by @ace108 and #sublimesunday is led by @c0ff33a


Interesting that they have different versions of monopoly for their prizes.