3 Reasons To Grow The Beard!

in #beard7 years ago

You may have noticed that beard is the new trend now and what if I told you that you look sexier in the beard? and what if I told you that this is the view of most girls? Amazing! Every one of us want to look sexier to attract the sexiest and beautiful woman and marry her, isn't it?

Credits: Victoria Wonka

With science moving that fast, it is not hard to find (in fact, it's widely known) that beard has many advantages. Some people and especially youngsters are not ready to admit that beard makes them look manly. Just like a lion with the mane is not considered the king, a man without a beard cannot be considered the man.

Actually, I was one of the believers of shaving beard and used to think that shaving makes you look attractive as it reveals the beauty of your face but later I found that I was wrong, even though I didn't like the beard in the beginning. Do you know what convinced me to start keeping a little bit of beard (and planning to grow it even more in future) on my face? Let me share those reasons with you.

# 1 - No more rashes on skin:

We all like to have the smooth and the skin free of acne but do you know that razor actually exposes you to the risk of getting those serious rashes on your face? and what about the razor rash? The more you shave, the greater becomes the risk of getting such things.

Beard actually keeps your skin safe from such risks and add to the beauty of your face. Frankly speaking, I find the shaved face less attractive than a beard, I don't know why but beard naturally adds to the beauty and what's more? the girls go crazy for having a BF with an attractive beard (most girls love the beards of men)

# 2 - Hides your damaged skin:

Majority of people are conscious about the damages on the face such as acne and pimples etc. Sure, it is better to cure them but if those are not fading out and your skin color gets damaged, you have one option that works flawlessly. Simply grow a beard and hide your damaged skin.

As for my skin, it is pretty clear and free of acne etc. Ever since I grew the beard on my face, people have started passing comments about how awesome it looks and I can't express the feeling man, it feels great to hear those compliments from friends and relatives. Actually, it gives me the confidence that my wife will love and play with it, Lol.

# 3 - Air filter:

If you really want to spend the healthy life, simply grow a beard and you'll reduce the chances of allergies like asthma and other breathing issues. Still not convinced? It is proven scientifically that beard acts like an air filter and prevent you from many other irritants.

The lower the chance of diseases like Asthma and breathing issues become, the more time you get to spend being healthy. There are many other reasons that convinced me to grow a beard (though it's pretty small right now, I'll grow it more soon). Are you convinced? And if you're a girl reading this, I'd love to know whether you like beard men or not.


awesome information! Looks like ill be keeping the beard


great article :) but i still can't grow a beard :(

Good information!
Time is cyclic indeed.