What goes on in your town #7 Grace 1

in #bdsm4 years ago


By HujiStat - Own work, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2974986

"Remember, you need to give it some rest now. Here's a prescription for some ointment, you need to rub it on there twice a day, liberally.

It will heal, but defecation will hurt for a while. Once you are healed, you can try anal again if you want to, there's no problem with that, but stay away from those numbing lubes, and make sure that you are in control of how fast and deep you go!"

The girl looked mightily uncomfortable, and just mumbled "Yes doctor" Barely audible while watching the floor.

"Don't worry. THis happens more often than you would think."

When her patient had left the room, Grace sighed. Every year she had two or three visits like that, and they always upset her tremendously.

She didn't really know why. She saw a lot of things, which objectively where a lot worse.

It had been a master stroke at the beginning of her career, now 10 years ago. She had gone to the local swingers club, and presented herself as Dr. Grace. When the other swingers asked her whether she was into doctor-play, she responded that she really was an MD.

It had been a business decision. She had hoped that if she was known in that world, maybe she could attract that clientele. The occasional STD, probably a lot of checks for STD's... Business was business.

And for a couple of years that worked, it had been a discrete enough affair, that in town, she wasn't known as "the sex doctor" but it brought in some business. She was silent, didn't judge, and just efficiently treated whatever it was, without asking questions, but always entreating people who might have STD's to make sure that they didn't infect others.

After a few years, however, something had changed in her clientele. From the swingers clientele, all of a sudden she also started to receive clients out of the BDSM scene.

Somehow her reputation had jumped from one scene to the other, and now, she regularly found herself with patients, who had had some kind of mishap during play.

Wax burns were common, so were infected piercings, but she had seen breasts which had been bruised so bad that it was hard to find a spot which looked like regular flesh. Testicles which had swollen to the size of golf balls,...

She took these clients in, and treated them, again, without judgment. She felt that it was better for everyone involved, if these people felt respected and treated like responsible people who had agency over their own body.

She would sometimes objectively explain the risks of more extreme play, and she would sometimes treat the results of extreme play gone wrong.

From the BDSM scene, only two things bothered her: 1 was a nuisance. Every now and than she had a patient who clearly wanted her to play doctor, rather than really treat them. These she had learned to kick out quite brutally and quickly.

Second where women, and sometimes men, who came asking about either the repercussions of, or even asking her to perform some irreversible modifications.

Castration, Breast removal,... Every year she had a couple clients who clearly where planning to make very large changes to their bodies, which in her opinion was just plain wrong, and dangerous, no matter what was the motivation behind it. Anything beyond piercings or breast implants she disapproved of personally.

However, she again answered questions without judgment. When she was asked to perform certain procedures, she would refuse. Very sometimes, she could forward them towards a specialist. Often however, she had to tell someone that the medical procedure they wanted was illegal.

3 times in her career, she had had to deal with the results of that, when someone who had been unable to get a procedure done by a professional had taken matters into his or her own hands (or had them taken in hands by their owner). That had thrown her for a serious ethical dilemma.

She had the knowledge to perform a cliterectomy cleanly and without any risk, but it was simply illegal, however, seeing a woman who had had it performed on her, probably on the home kitchen table, with the wound entirely infected made her reflect on whether it was truly right not to perform these acts when she was asked to.

It had caused her many sleepless nights, but in the end she had decided that as a doctor, she had sworn to do no harm, and she considered any body modifications as harm. Therefore, she could now live with herself.

But no matter what she had seen in her life. Nothing made her feel as sick as what she had just seen, and she saw it a few times every year.

A girl, who probably was an anal virgin, and who had used an anesthetic lube, and ended up torn. Usually their boyfriends just told them that it would help them to relax. Than they had anal, not feeling anything, and after the sex came the pain, the pain which showed that something was severely wrong. Their anusses had been ripped and torn by forceful fucking while they were completely unprepared, and blissfully unaware of it during the act...

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WGOITY#6 :https://peakd.com/nsfw/@bdsm-fiction/what-goes-on-in-your-town-6-nick-2


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